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About us

Asset Publisher

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is one of Germany’s six political foundations with a global network of over 100 offices. Closely associated with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), it advocates for democracy, the rule of law, transatlantic relations, a rules-based multilateral order, and the social market economy. 

As the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) New York Office, we are dedicated to strengthening a rules-based multilateral order. The international system is undergoing a transformation propelled by great power competition, new actors and emerging technologies.  We offer a platform by convening multistakeholder discussions and issuing analyses to enhance the exchange of ideas and generate new perspectives on global governance, sustainable development and peace and security, in line with the goals of the United Nations (UN). We serve as a liaison between parliamentarians and policymakers, representatives of the UN system, UN Member States, think tanks, civil society, universities based in New York and more than 100 KAS offices worldwide, offering the opportunity for open exchange, networking and cooperation to advance policy solutions. 

We focus on advancing multilateral cooperation, problem-solving and partnerships in the following thematic areas: 

  • Multilateralism and global governance 
  • Peace and security (peacekeeping, emerging technology, counterterrorism) 
  • Sustainable Development Goals (private sector engagement, rule of law)  

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher