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The Future of Multilateralism: In the Framework of a Changing World Order


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El Futuro del Multilateralismo

Within the framework of the Regional Program "Alliances for Democracy and Development with Latin America" (ADELA) based in Panama, the Foundation extends the warmest invitation to be part of the conference "The future of Multilateralism: in the framework of a changing world order", from October 10, 2021 - October 13, 2021. This activity will be held in conjunction with the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia.

This conference aims to discuss trends in international cooperation and the future of the interaction of Latin American countries in the framework of Multilateralism. In addition, contribute with decision makers, civil society and other actors, in the exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences in strengthening multilateral dialogue between nations.

The registration of participants to the Conference can be done at the following link of Zoom:

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