Asset Publisher
LAW-LINK Consults
Law-link consults is registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission as a firm of legal practitioners, legislative consultants and publishers. The firm is comprised essentially of lawyers and other allied professionals with diverse experience and backgrounds in practice, research and policy issues. Scope of activities:Legal consultancy and public interest litigation; Research, documentation and publications; Legislative and development advocacy; Human rights promotion; Anti-corruption and rule of law programming; Policy analysis/legislative drafting; Training for legislators and staffs.For the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Law Link Consults has authored: “State Legislatures – Their Workings in the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Vision Nigeria, vol. 1, ed. by Klaus Paehler)” (available from KAS)
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Communicating for Change (CFC)

Communicating for Change (CFC) is a dynamic non-governmental, not-for-profit media agency based in Lagos, Nigeria, whose aim is to raise awareness of Africa’s environmental and development issues (including economic empowerment, health, environmental degradation, and democracy & good governance) to create positive change and ultimately improve lifestyles. CFC uses radio, TV, film, print, market research, capacity building, and special events to help change behavior and attitudes about vital social issues. CFC also plays an important role in promoting partnerships and capacity building between the public, private, and NGO sectors by providing cutting-edge communications support and products. In line with our mandate, CFC partnered with the Goethe Institut and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to produce 3 films on democracy and good governance: "The Goal" depicts two Nigerian football teams whose play shows the importance of transparency, responsiveness, the rule of law, equality and good governance awarded Best Overall Film– Africast 2006 Conference, Abuja)."Your Choice" is a travesty focusing on the importance of good followership (awarded Best TV Director – Africast 2006; Best Director – Zuma Film Festival 2006; Best Student Film – Lagos International Film Festival 2006). "The Meal" is set in a restaurant where equality and fair play are challenged. These films were the outcome of a 3-week workshop, hosted by CFC, in which 9 aspiring filmmakers were trained in script writing and film production. Partners agreed that it was important to air these programs during the Nigerian 2007 election period, as the films focus on good leadership and followership. Tunde Kelani, the director of all 3 films and contributor to the workshop, also used the films as trailers on his award-winning film Abeni, which has been screened at many international film festivals and distributed across Nigeria and Africa.
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Owerri Provincial Justice, Development and Peace/Caritas (JDPC)
The Owerri Provincial JDPC is the central office for the six Diocesan JDPCs (of Owerri, Umuahia, Orlu, Okigwe, Ahiara and Aba) constituting Owerri Ecclesiastical Province and ministering to the two States of Imo and Abia. It is an arm of the Department of Church and Society (DCS) responsible for the various social services which the Catholic Church provides to the people and government of the place. The name JDPC articulates the major mission and ultimate aim of propagating the socio-political Good News of justice, development, peace and charity. Special programmes are designed to improve the individual and corporate rights and welfare of the people, whatever their gender, age, tribe, creed and class. The Owerri Provincial JDPC is involved in proactive projects of mental and economic empowerment as well as in preventive projects of crisis management, and is open for collaboration with government and credible institutions in the social ministry for the common good.
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Justice Development & Peace/Caritas JOS (JDPC)
Justice Development and Peace/Caritas Jos was started in 1996 as the policy making, coordinating and supervisory body of social development programmes in the Catholic Archdiocese of Jos. JDPC Jos’ programmes target all humanity without any discrimination based on sex, religion or race/ethnicity. JDPC, Jos has partnered with KAS in Peace Building, Election Monitoring and Civic& Political Education Programmes. 2003 - 2005 we trained over 500 people (men, women & youths) both Christians and Moslems in Peace Building technics to enable them promote dialogue and peaceful co-existence between Christians and Moslems in Plateau State. 2005 - 2007 we have carried out training in Civic and Political Education for over 400 people. The programme focuses on youths who are unemployed in order to educate them against being used as thugs by politicians during elections and other political activities.JDPC Jos presently runs programmes in the following area: Good Governance; Human Rights/Legal Aid; Peace Building; Civic & Political Education; Prison Ministry; Women Empowerment; Emergency Preparedness and Response; Sustainable Agriculture; Water and Sanitation; Capacity Building/Animation.
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Nigerian Organisation for Solidarity and Development (NOSAD)
The Nigerian Organisation for Solidarity and Development (NOSAD), established in 1992, is a Calabar based NGO working in Rural Communities of Cross River State. NOSAD mission is to help people understand the full context of development by engaging in participatory development processes of empowerment of community people. NOSAD Programme areas are: human rights, civic education, peace building, women’s empowerment, health and environment. The partnership between NOSAD and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung started in 2003 with a project on women empowerment, training them on public life issues, human rights and participation in politics. In 2006/2007 the work focussed on opinion leaders, training them on civic education, especially equipping them with skills to educate members of their communities on the advantages of proper electioneering. Today, these trained opinion leaders and the women provide a proper base to build on the work of NOSAD on empowerment and good governance.
Impact for Change & Development (IMPACT)

The cooperation with KAS includes Trainings of the Nigerian Armed forces for Peace Mission in Nigeria and abroad as well as the Radio Program Vision Nigeria (Enugu branch).
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Women Environmental Programme (WEP)

The cooperation with KAS is focussed on all aspects of civic education, especially multipliers.
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