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Traditional Methods of Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Contribution to Peace Building in Niger Delta

The conflict in the Niger Delta is very dangerous and could endanger the existence of Nigeria as a whole. In addition to the radio program KAS and CDHST hold seminars and workshops in conflict restriction in the delta.

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The Niger Delta is world famous for its oil wealth, ecological depredation and for continuous ongoing violent conflicts: bomb attacks on pipelines, taking of hostages, armed robberies, oil stealing. To bring peace to this region is a necessity for a long-term existence for Nigeria as a state, how CIA and NSA are always repeating. Resulting of this importance the Nigerian Government created just now a ministry for solving this conflict.

The KAS with its partner CDHST is directly operating in this region. Now, they extended their radio program "Vision Nigeria in the Delta" with trainings for coaches followed by a workshop for conflict resolution. In the first seminar in October already 40 coaches were trained, who trained afterwards 150 participants in traditional African and modern methods of conflict management.

These trainings shall be continued step by step in all local administration districts. In November the training for the coaches take place in Port Harcourt, the capital city of the state Rivers, where especially foreigners get kidnapped quite often. Afterwards, these coaches will train around 100 citizens in the district Ikwere in conflict resolution.

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Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Niger Delta


Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler

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