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The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), guided by and committed to the person and principles of the first Federal Chancellor of Germany, is a political foundation operating two educational centers and twenty-one educational institutes across Germany. Worldwide, our offices abroad look after more than two hundred projects in more than one hundred and twenty countries. The KAS headquarters are located in Berlin and in Sankt Augustin near Bonn.

At home and abroad, we employ the instruments of political education, dialogue, and consultation to promote peace, freedom, and justice. Our most important concerns include strengthening democracy, promoting and intensifying European integration, intensifying transatlantic relations, and implementing development-policy co-operation.

In Skopje the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung opened its office on July 1st, 2000 and a small small local office in Pristinа in 2007. Since then various seminars, workshops and conferences were organized throughout the country. The main goal of the activities is to take part at the building of a civil society in the contry where everybody respects the interests of the other, where the strong cares about the needs of the weak, and every single one understands the state as the frame in which the individual can develop according to his/hers abilities.

Scholarships are granted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung to gifted students in order to support their academic education. Candidates are required to display political interest and societal commitment as well as receptiveness towards Christian Democratic values. To identify talented people, to sponsor them, and to prepare them for assuming responsibility in politics and business, in science and the media, in culture and civil organizations-these are the goals of the KAS scholarship program.

Members of tomorrow’s elite should not only be better than average in their own chosen field, they should also be highly competent in social and political issues.


The applicant should fulfill the following criteria:

  • to be accepted on a adequate study programme at one of the state accredited universities in the Republic of North Macedonia (Letter of acceptance from the University can be hand-in additionally, after the application deadline);
  • to have excellent results during the studies;
  • to have a knowledge of minimum one foreign language;
  • to be active in the social and/or political life of the country;
  • determination to influence positively the future political, economic, educational or social developments in the contry;
  • potential to reach the highest position in the chosen career;

The next deadline for applications is 10.10.2024.

Gifted young people who meet these requirements will be supported by the KAS scholarship programme.


Initial selection will be carried out on the basis of the written application only. Only the selected applicants will be invited to an interview at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Application forms and further information are available at:




Applications via mail must be submitted to:


Risto Ravanovski 8

MK-1000 Skopje



We will not be able to accept any application received after the deadline.

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Asset Publisher

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