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Tolerance, Dialogue, Cooperation!

Promoting inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia through capacity building for media and religious representatives

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The project "Tolerance, Dialogue, Cooperation! Promoting inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia through capacity building for media and religious representatives" co-financed by the European Union aims at createing awareness among the population of Macedonia for religious diversity and at building up more tolerance, as well as contributing to the democratization process of the country by promoting freedom of expression, inter-religious dialogue and religious pluralism. At the same time, our vision is to foster the capacities of the religious spokespersons and the key representatives of the five religious communities in Macedonia.

Target group:

Selected journalist from the most influential electronic, print and online media covering religious issues on the national and local level.

National and selected local representatives of the five religious communities.

Selected groups of young believers, elementary and high school students from ethnically mixed and mono-ethnic environments.

Location for the further activities:

Republic of Macedonia, Western and North Western region from the Republic of Macedonia (the city of Skopje, Tetovo, Kicevo, Bitola, Ohrid, Strumica and Shtip).

Main activities:

- trainings for journalists and editors on reporting and editing religious issues;

- trainings for religious spokespersons representing religious communities on national and local level;

- workshops jointly organized for journalists and religious spokespersons on management, communication and representation skills;

- Exchange Visits of one religious community to a religious object of another community (5 on the national level for all five religious communities, and nine on local level);

- Conference for leaders of religious communities and the press Awareness rising campaign showing positive examples of different religious communities interaction will be broadcasted. One TV advertisement will be produced and broadcast, representing positive examples of inter-religious events, exchange visits and dialogues.

- Field survey will be the final activity of the project. From one side the survey will make internal evaluation on the project efficiency providing measurable indicators about the impact that project activities had; on the other side it will picture the actual situation regarding religious rights and dialogue. Most important benefit from the survey is the recommendations that will be drawn on the basis on which further activities after the project implementation can be considered.

Partner of the KAS:

Institute for Democracy „Societas Civilis“ (IDSCS)

Kraguevcka 2, 1000 Skopje phone. 02 3094 760, fax: 02 3094 760

Further information can be found on our website:

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Anja Czymmeck

Anja Czymmeck

Head of the France Office +33 156 69 15 00
Logo of the Project “Tolerance, dialogue, cooperation! Promoting inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia through capacity building for media and religious representatives”. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Skopje
Förderung des interreligiösen Dialogs in Mazedonien über Aufbau von Kapazitäten für die Vertreter der Medien und der religiösen Vertreter download

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