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“The European Union: History, Law and institutions”

“Migration to Europe: between economics and politics”

The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute cordially invites you to attend a lecture for an International Studies course entitled “The European Union: History, Law and institutions”. The lecture is entilted:“Migration to Europe: between economics and politics”

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Dr. Fargues will discuss migration levels and trends in the world, and particularly in the EU. He will also illustrate the main migration challenges facing the EU such as: demographic depression, sustaining EU’s economic competitiveness, containing irregular migration, and integrating migrants into society. The demographic challenges which threaten Europe are reflected in Europe’s size, wealth, and social contract. Hence Dr. Fargues will shed light on the policies taken so as to decrease these challenges.

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Room number 112, Development Studies Building, Birzeit University.


  • Dr. Philippe Fargues - Demographer and Director of the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute.

    Ilona-Margarita Stettner

    Ilona-Margarita Stettner bild

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