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Courses on economic and societal development


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270 young participants benefited from the courses of the Institute for Community Partnership (ICP) at the University of Bethlehem, which were conducted in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF), from January until April 2006. The courses, taking place in several cities in the West Bank, provided in-depth training in civic education, democratic values, non-violent conflict resolution, and political commitment. Young men and women attended classes in Bethlehem, Hebron and East-Jerusalem, assembling at the end of the courses in Furno Hall at Bethlehem University for the closing ceremony. They celebrated there with their friends and families at the following reception.

ICP’s director, Moussa Rabadi, thanked the participants for their interest in participating in configurating the economic and societal development in their home country. Brother Daniel Casey, vice chancellor of the University of Bethlehem, congratulated the attendees on their successes. In his speech, he pointed out to the great value young people’s commitment for democracy creates in a society.

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Bethlehem University - Furno Hall


Thomas Birringer

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Kurse zur wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung

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