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Study and information programme

Training project: Strengthening capacities and building opportunities for women politicians

Call for Consultancy

Call for Consultancy

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  • Position Title: Facilitator in training potential women candidates for elected office.
  • Type of position: Contract / Consultant.
  • Project duration: 3 months (September to November 2022).
  • Location of the position: Republic of Panama.
  • Fees: One-time payment of USD $ 2,500.°°.
  • Extras: Includes transportation, lodging and meals.
  • Application deadline: Tuesday, August 16, 2022.

The National Forum of Women in Political Parties (Fonamupp) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1993 as an independent women's movement in Panama, promoting the political development of Panamanian women, united to achieve equality and equity in the political life of the country. It is made up of women registered in political parties who, on a voluntary basis, join the Forum. Its work is oriented to achieve tangible improvements in the conditions and opportunities of Panamanian women, promoting actions aimed at training, awareness and visibility of women political and community leaders in the country. The Forum is a founding member of the National Women's Council, is a permanent consulting body of the Electoral Tribunal; it is also a member of the National Commission on Electoral Reforms, as well as the National Commission against Violence against Women and the Alliance of Women, among other spaces.

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) is a German political foundation linked to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) political party. Through its European and international work, it contributes to enabling people to live independent lives in freedom and dignity, motivating them to participate in shaping the future. Through its international mission, the KAS works for a social market economy and democratic systems based on the rule of law with strengthened institutions, through all kinds of educational contributions such as training, educational programs or consultancy, among others, in order to guarantee human and fundamental rights.

Both organizations have joined forces to develop the project "Strengthening capacities and building opportunities for women politicians". The objectives are:

  • Promote new female leaderships that generate female leaders at the local and national level.
  • Motivate more women to run for the different positions of popular election by free nomination or through political parties.
  • Provide tools that contribute to the exercise of individual and collective leadership of women in politics.
  • Increase confidence, security and self-knowledge to strengthen their position as women in daily life and in politics, identifying the real and structural obstacles that stand in their way.
  • Generate safe spaces for the sharing of experiences, roles, needs and priorities of women politicians, in order to develop programs that meet their needs in diverse political contexts.
  • Facilitate conceptual tools that strengthen women's political participation for equal opportunities and gender equity.
  • To visualize and understand the political fabric in which women politicians operate, the challenges they face and the possible solutions they have identified.

Target audience of the training
The training will be aimed at women who aspire to elected office, community and political leaders, young women who believe in the exercise of democracy, and consider the diversity and intersectionality of the groups they represent.

Project modality
Virtual and face-to-face sessions will be developed (taking into account biosecurity measures) in four communities: one session in the province of Colon, two in the province of West Panama and one in the province of Darien. All sessions are held on Saturdays.

The thematic content refers to:

  • Introduction to gender and intersectionality and leadership (inclusive, democratic, horizontal).
  • Electoral regulations (Electoral Law, implications in the electoral process and gender parity).
  • Lobbying and political negotiation.

About the Work
The facilitator will develop the contents in the face-to-face sessions and will strengthen them in a scheduled virtual session. The facilitator will be the one who will provide the guidelines to build an environment of respect, equity and collaboration, and will work hand in hand with the participants to achieve the final objective. The project will be carried out from September to November 2022.

The work will be developed in coordination with Fonamupp and KAS Panama, and will report to the coordinators of both institutions.

Expected products

  • Design of the methodology for the training workshops on the topics indicated.
  • Design of a schedule of activities for the workshops.
  • Follow-up with the participants, establishing effective communication channels during the project.
  • Final report/memorial that allows the systematization of the experience.
  • A basic guide booklet of good practices for political negotiation to be distributed at the end of the workshops.

Activities to be developed
Development of 4 sessions of 6 hours for face-to-face training and 4 virtual sessions of an hour and a half directed to women who aspire to popularly elected positions, community and political leaders, and young women who believe in the democratic exercise, in the provinces previously mentioned.

Conditions of the Consultancy

  • The consultants or consulting team, if applicable, must meet the following requirements:
  • Demonstrable experience in training in the exposed thematic.
  • Knowledge of the application of the gender and human rights approach.
  • Good communication and writing skills.
  • Orientation to results with quality in the processes.
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt to changes.

Candidates interested in applying for this position should send an email to, with their resume and attaching the methodological proposal to be used.

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    Yadira Elizabeth Gratacós Reyes

    Yadira Grataços

    Project Coordinator +507 387 4475
    WhatsApp Image 2022-08-10 at 14.07.18