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Online seminar

Women, Politics and COVID-19

ADELA Panama Digital Conference

KAS ADELA invites you to the ADELA Digital Conference "Women, Politics and COVID-19" with Walkiria Chandler D'Orcy and Alixenia López, Project Coordinator of KAS ADELA in Panama

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Women, Politics and Covid-19

KAS ADELA invites you to the ADELA Digital Conference "Women, Politics and COVID-19" with Walkiria Chandler D'Orcy and Alixenia López, Project Coordinator of KAS ADELA in Panama.

The Member of Parliament and lawyer Walkiria Chandler D'Orcy will give a short analysis of the impact of the situation of women in this period of the pandemic on the political perspective of the country.

Chandler D'Orcy is a lawyer who holds a doctorate in law from the University of Panama, a postgraduate degree from the University of Salamanca and a master's degree from the Carlos III University of Madrid. She has held positions in the public and private sector: as Executive Director of the National Fisheries Foundation, as Director of the Legal Department of the Agency for Aquatic Resources and as a lawyer for the Panamanian Fishing Industry Association. Currently, she is the Legal Secretary of the Center for Afro-Panamanian Studies, a deputy member of parliament and the 2nd Vice-President of the Association of Deputy Members of Parliament.

Date: Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Time: 5 pm
Location: Live on YouTube, Facebook and Zoom. To register via Zoom, please click here.

Public event, free admission.

We cordially invite all interested parties.

The event will be held in Spanish.

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  • Walkiria Chandler D'Orcy
    • Alixenia López


      Women, politics and COVID-19: Report on the ADELA Panama Digital Conference
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