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Specialist conference

KAS 2022 Fellows Meeting

Conference: Visions for Latin American Development

On Saturday, December 17, 2022, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Panama will host a new grantee meeting at the Marriot Executive Apartments Hotel. It will be a face-to-face meeting with our grantees and partners, creating a space for exchange with each other and an opportunity to learn more about our goals and achievements as a political foundation. A conference on visions for Latin American development, featuring Epsy Campbell Barr, former Vice President of Costa Rica (2018-2022), and Eduardo Pastrana, professor at Javeriana University in Colombia, as keynote speakers, will help crystallize shared national and Latin American values and thought patterns with the target audience. This meeting also helps to maintain contact with the network.

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Reunión de Becarios KAS 2022

The scholarship program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Panama is one of the most important flagships of the Foundation. It is among the largest and most successful educational programs in Panama, as well as the largest commitment to the country's youth and young adults on the part of KAS Panamá since the opening of its office in September 2019.

On a global level, the scholarship program is one of the most important means through which the Konrad Adenauer Foundation influences the development of citizens with political and social leadership skills.

After analyzing and reviewing more than eighty applicants, the Panama office selected 31 men and women to receive scholarships for specialized study programs such as graduate, post-graduate, master's and doctoral programs at private and public universities throughout the country. One of the awardees withdrew from the program before beginning her studies.

Since the announcement of the winners in September 2021 and to date, 50 percent of program costs have been covered for all scholarship recipients. Most of these scholarship recipients' study programs will run until the end of 2022, with the exception of a few scholarship recipients until mid-2023.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Panama hosts an annual meeting of fellows and alumni in December to further develop the fellows' and partners' networks, which are a central axis for maintaining the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's stakeholder networks across its broadest global reach. This meeting offers a unique opportunity to invite and bring them all together.

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Panama City
Calle Las Magnolias, Casa 16,
Panama City, Ancón, Albrook
Zur Webseite

Alternative venue

Hotel Marriott Executive Apartments, Bella Vista



Yadira Elizabeth Gratacós Reyes

Yadira Grataços

Project Coordinator +507 387 4475

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