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Adobe Stock / Diki

CO2 compensation – climate protection instrument, fraudulent labelling or modern indulgence trade?

On the controversial role of CO2 offsetting and the importance of binding global standards to avoid greenwashing – with insights from Latin America

In order to combat the consequences of advancing climate change, all appropriate instruments should be used. In addition to urgently avoiding and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, this also includes offsetting them in areas where damage limitation is (still) the only way to contribute to climate protection. However, internationally valid quality standards for offsetting projects must be defined and appropriately communicated to producers, consumers, and people in the implementing regions.

Panama wacht auf: Ungleichheit führt zu Massenprotesten

Was ist aus dem Land geworden, das als Beispiel für Wohlstand und Stabilität galt? Seit dem 6. Juli, dem Tag, an dem die längste und breiteste Mobilisierung kollektiver sozialer Straßenproteste und Blockaden der letzten 50 Jahre begann, scheint in Panama nichts mehr so zu sein, wie es einmal war.

Democracy today


Tribunal Electoral

Motero Colombia / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

Auf dem Weg ins Ungewisse

Migrationskrise an der Grenze von Kolumbien nach Panama

Etwa 15.000 Menschen warten in dem kleinen Ort Necoclí auf kolumbianischem Gebiet darauf, sich über die Grenze nach Panama aufmachen zu können, um von dort weiter in die Zielländer USA und Kanada zu gelangen. Die Situation auf beiden Seiten der Grenze hat sich in den vergangenen Wochen dramatisch zugespitzt. Nun sind die Außenminister mehrerer Länder aktiv geworden, um mittel- und langfristige Lösungen des Migrationsproblems zu finden.

Economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic

Enabling Latin America and the Caribbean to better harness the benefits of e-commerce and digital trade

Economic an International Trade Report

Legislative Quality

Héctor Pérez Bourbon

A study on the applicability of quality management standards, criteria and tools in the legislative function of a parliament

Report - Strengthening Community Organizations 2020

KAS - JUSPAX 2020 Collaboration Agreement

Annual Report

Flickr/dronepicr/CC BY 2.0

Panama’s “Bicentennial Pact”

A serious way of designing the future or a new deception?

The covid-19 pandemic has hit Panama hard. By the end of 2020, it was the country in the world with the highest daily number of new infections relative to its population. The complete lockdown, reimplemented since Christmas, this time provoked protests from the urban poor. The tense economic and social situation motivated the center-left government of President Laurentino Nito Cortizo to initiate a comprehensive national development program aimed at effectively counteracting Panama's severe inequality. Therefore, the creation and implementation of the "Bicentennial Pact" program should not be implemented by the government alone. Rather, all political, economic and social forces, down to every citizen, are called upon to contribute.

Scholarships for Master's or Doctoral studies in Germany

International Scholarship Program - March 28, 2021

The bases for application are: Estudiantes y doctorandos comprometidos social o políticamente de todas las disciplinas que no tengan más de 30 años y que tengan un conocimiento probado del alemán en el nivel B2 del Marco de Referencia Europeo.

COVID-19: an ultimatum for food security

Individual Title

Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Panama

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