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ASEAN-EU Think Tanks

A Guide to Foster Cooperation and Research Between Southeast Asia and Europe

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The two-year project “Think Next, Act Next - The Next Gen EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue” (EANGAGE) aims to promote closer cooperation between the EU and ASEAN.

The mapping below enables easy access to the most appropriate think tanks for research in the different countries of EU and ASEAN. It was designed to facilitate greater collaboration and exchange of research ideas among practitioners and researchers in Europe and Southeast Asia. The think tanks listed are working on subjects related to connectivity, security and sustainable development, amongst others.

If you click on the corresponding marker in a country coloured blue that interests you, a list of the relevant and active think tanks will be produced. For detailed information on the organisations and their fields of work please use the direct link to their websites.

The mapping was produced as part of the EU-co-funded project “Think Next, Act Next – The Next Gen EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue” (EANGAGE), which aims to encourage greater collaboration between the EU and ASEAN, inspire joint research and foster greater awareness of the EU’s engagement in the ASEAN region. The two-year project was launched in 2021 and implemented by the Political Dialogue Programme Asia of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, together with the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), Cambodia and the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV).

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Andreas Michael Klein

Andreas Michael Klein

Director Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia +65 6603 6162

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