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Our Publications


Asset Publisher

Our office in Singapore regularly releases a diverse range of publications dealing with a broad range of topics. These mainly include (1) Panorama, our political journal, (2) further books and papers, emerging from the close cooperation with our partners, (3) Publications in the context of our EU-Asia Dialogue as well as (4) Policy Briefings written by our Program Managers.

For further information, please click on the respective link.

You can download our publications from the respective website or you can order a hard copy. If you wish to receive a hard copy, please contact Megha Sarmah.

Panorama: Insights into European and Asian Affairs


"Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs" is the political journal of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Singapore. Here, you will find a chronological overview of all previous editions as well as the PDF-Versions.

Book Projects

Together with our partners we have published several books and papers during the last years. Topics range from Parliaments in Asia to Religious Pluralism in Democratic Societies. For a comprehensive overview, please follow this link.

EU-Asia Dialogue

During the course of our EU-Asia Dialogue Program, in total seven books were published, one for each thematic area covered. For further information and the PDF-Version of the respective books, please click here.

Policy Briefings

Our office regularly produces policy briefings on issues of global interest and Europe-Asia relations. These include, but are not limited to, major topics like international security politics, global governance, non-traditional security areas, inter-parliamentary cooperation. Please click here.

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Christian Echle

Christian Echle

Head of the Department Asia and Pacific +49 (0) 30 26996 3534

Megha Sarmah

Megha Sarmah

Programme Manager, Agenda 2030 +65 6603 6165

Asset Publisher