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Democratic Union of Africa (DUA)

Democratic Union of Africa (DUA)
DUA is a coalition of centre-right African political parties and as such is a member of the International Democratic Union, the global coalition of conservative and Christian Democratic political parties.

Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA)

Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA)
YDUA is the youth wing of the African Democratic Union. It promotes and gathers young politicians of parties from the centre-right spectrum.
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The South African Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA)

The South African Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA)
The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) is an independent think tank committed to a well-governed, peaceful, economically sustainable and globally engaged Africa. The work of SAIIA covers the topics of development, foreign, environmental and economic policy as well as good governance. In it, SAIIA links local experiences with global debates.
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African Policy Circle

African Policy Circle
The African Policy Circle (APC) is a network of African think tanks that provides a platform to develop solutions through evidence-based research, which then feed into policy-making processes as common positions and recommendations.
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