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Regional Green Accelerator Bootcamp: An acceleration bootcamp for green enterprises

From 17 to 20 July 2023, KAS-REMENA organized a bootcamp in Jordan in collaboration with cewas Middle East gathering a green entrepreneurs from Lebanon and Jordan. The bootcamp focused on acceleration strategy and impact model of the green enteprises bringing leading experts and coaches in the field and providing space for peer to peer learning.

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Green Accelerator Bootcamp in Jordan: Empowering Sustainable Entrepreneurs


The Green Accelerator Bootcamp, co-organized in partnership between cewas Middle East in partnership and the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS - REMENA), took place in Jordan from July 17th to 20th. This four-day event brought together promising green entrepreneurs from Lebanon and Jordan, aiming to empower them with sustainable revenue models, measurable targets, and strategies for lasting change.


The Green Accelerator Bootcamp offered a unique platform for green entrepreneurs to interact, learn from each other, and expand their networks. The program emphasized horizontal learning and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, focusing on overcoming challenges faced by green enterprises in the MENA region.


The key objectives of the bootcamp were as follows:

  • Enable green entrepreneurs to develop sustainable revenue models and impactful strategies.
  • Facilitate collaboration and cooperation among enterprises at similar development stages.
  • Foster regional expansion and market entry for green businesses.
  • Create a supportive ecosystem for green entrepreneurship in the MENA region.


The four-day bootcamp was filled with valuable insights. Here are the highlights:

Day 1 - Enterprise Diagnosis: The bootcamp kicked off with an in-depth enterprise diagnosis module, where participants assessed their ventures' strengths and identified areas for improvement.

Day 2 - Amplifying Impact: Participants engaged in workshops to design models for lasting change and refine their impact objectives, setting the stage for transformative growth.

Day 3 - Green Enterprise Acceleration: Entrepreneurs focused on honing their acceleration plans, seeking to establish a strong foundation for growth and positive environmental impact.

Day 4 - Acceleration Pitch Day: The event culminated with a powerful closing day in Amman, Jordan. Participants presented their refined impact objectives and actionable milestones, impressing the audience with their innovative pitches. The pitch was joined by different guests and was a chance to challenge the entrepreneurs with questions regarding their acceleration plan.


The success of the Green Accelerator Bootcamp would not have been possible without the dedication and contributions of numerous individuals and organizations. We extend our sincere gratitude to our cooperation partner, cewas Middle East, for their meticulous planning and execution; the trainers and green coaches for their expertise and guidance throughout the bootcamp; and other supporting partners including, SPARK, Florish, and others, for their support and commitment to promoting sustainable entrepreneurship as well as the passionate entrepreneurs who made this event a vibrant and enriching experience.


The Green Accelerator Bootcamp fostered a sense of collaboration and community among like-minded individuals, sparking innovative ideas for a greener future. Looking ahead, we are excited to build upon this initiative and continue our efforts to support aspiring green entrepreneurs in the region.

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Hamza Saidi

Portrait Hamza Saidi

Project Manager +212 537 6704 13/14