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Resources and Environment

Resources and Environment

Responsibility for a Sustainable Future for Nature, the Economy and Society


We need a fresh start that is less focused on objective,s but more so on the determination of our actions.

Angela Merkel, Former German Chancellor

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At a glance

  • Sustainability is the systemic balance of ecological, economic and social development. Advocating more sustainability therefore means one thing above all: taking responsibility for the future.
  • Innovative technologies, processes and behavioural changes could be an important key to a more sustainable use of resources and our natural resources in future.
  • It is necessary to bring about a transformation towards more sustainability at all political levels. This requires: the determination of priorities, the overcoming of implementation deficits and the building of trust in the state’s ability to manage this transformation.
  • Sustainability is a key concern of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. However, it is important for us that ecological transformation is economically viable and oriented towards the realities of people’s lives.



1. Sustainability means taking responsibility for the future

2. Resilience arises from preservation and renewal

3. With a wide range of offers for more sustainability

4. Our offers and projects on the topic

5. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Climate change, digitalisation and the Corona pandemic as key challenges of our time have confronted us with very basic questions once again: what do we build our future on? How must we live now in order for life on earth to remain worth living for future generations, and so that they can continue to shape it in the exercise of their fundamental rights?


Sustainability means taking responsibility for the future

The concept of sustainability is on everyone’s lips: in political debates, in science and research as with in demands from civil society, at national and international level. Sustainability always seems to be something worth striving for that is not yet sufficiently present. It is understood as a systemic balance between ecological, economic and social development, which interact in a complex way. Sustainability is a cross-cutting issue. Ultimately, it is about responsibility for the future.

Science needs to use transdisciplinary research to explore and explain connections, such as with regard to how human actions impact nature. Innovations – be it technologies, processes or behavioural changes – could be the key to a more careful use of the natural foundations of life.


Resilience arises from preservation and renewal

Future viability and resilience are also leitmotifs in the competition of political ideas on various levels – at federal, state and local levels, in the European house and in the global village. What decisions must be made today to preserve that which has been achieved, and to initiate desired developments and work towards resilience of nature, the economy and society against disruptions? Options for action need to be weighed up, priorities set and conflicting goals taken into account. For the most part, there is no lack of (scientific) knowledge, but rather it is about overcoming implementation deficits and building trust in the fact that the democratic constitutional state will master the fundamental change.

The necessary decarbonisation and targeted climate neutrality of the economy and society undoubtedly entail challenges. However, these challenges can be met through the expansion of renewable energies, the promotion of climate-neutral technologies, diversification of energy imports, measures for higher energy efficiency as well as through closed product cycles and recycling. In agriculture, the production of food needs to be considered in the context of species and climate protection. Mobility needs to reconceptualised in many respects, taking the concerns of urban and rural spaces equally into account, and linking them via innovative and sustainable approaches.

Russia’s war in Ukraine is increasing tasks and reinforcing conflicting goals: on the one hand, how can the security of energy supply be ensured, for which we are still dependent on fossil fuels, such as from Russia, due to insufficient coverage of demand through renewable energies, without further endangering the achievement of climate protection goals on the other, while the impact of climate change is manifested worldwide it all its urgency?


With a wide range of offers for more sustainability

These questions are also of utmost importance for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s work in Germany and abroad. With events, studies, and analyses, we accompany the political and social discussion on current issues and provide platforms for interdisciplinary exchange of experiences in Germany, Europe and in the countries of the Global South.

Hence, for us, this topic presents not only a regulatory challenge, but is also a key concern as regards preserving creation and protecting human rights throughout the world. In our view, sustainable development is a prerequisite for prosperity and a principle of the social market economy.

For us, it is important that the shift to greater sustainability is economically viable and oriented towards people’s everyday lives; only this way can it be accepted by them. In conjunction with the ecological, economic, and social dimension, sustainability also has a political component. After all, sustainability thrives on the active participation of citizens who are to help she the future viability of the country. That is why democracies, in particular, are predestined to drive the radical changes. Besides social acceptance, political will to implement sustainability is important for creating the necessary framework conditions.

We would therefore like to provide political decision-makers in Germany and abroad with the impetus for addressing challenges surrounding the environment, resources and other sustainability issues. We therefore advocate alliances between states that strive for high sustainability standards.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Publication series and publication projects

The development towards a sustainable way of living is one of the most important goals for politics, the economy and society. How can we succeed in striking a balance between human way of life and the global ecosystem Earth without having to abstain from everything across the board? Our publication projects provide impetus for thought and grant insights into innovations that could help this development process.

Sustainability Monitor


With the Sustainability Monitor series, we address, mostly on an occasion-related basis, current sustainability issues from the perspective of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung so as to make them accessible to an interest public in politics, science and civil society; at the same time, we also contribute towards the foundation’s positioning on this important cross-cutting issue of the future.


Learn more about the Sustainability Monitor series


Networks and cooperation

To promote sustainable urban development as well as market- and innovation-oriented strategies for climate neutrality, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has launched the “Strong cities 2030” initiative, and entered into a cooperation with the German think tank EPICO Klimainnovation.

Strong Cities 2030 Network


Urbanisation is one of the mega trends of the 21st century. In 2050, three-quarters of the world’s population are likely to live in cities. This harbours major challenges, while also affording opportunities. The Sustainable Development Goal 11 of the Agenda 2030 aims to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Strong Cities is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with the goal of fostering urban development towards more sustainability, resilience and inclusion. It does so through global exchange between political office holders and experts from science and practice.


Learn more about the “Strong Cities 2030” network

Cooperation with EPICO KlimaInnovation


Since 2021, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been cooperating with EPICO KlimaInnovation. The think tank has set itself the goal of developing sustainable, market- and innovation-oriented strategies for climate neutrality from the centre of society, and contributing towards their implementation. The beating heart of the cooperation between KAS and EPICO is the Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation.

In this project, within the framework of an agile design thinking process, clear recommendations for action on key topics of energy policy and target visions for achieving climate neutrality were developed, which will also be accompanied in the future and whose implementation is to be promoted via a strong network in politics, business, science and society.


Learn more about the cooperation with EPICO KlimaInnovation

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Sabina Wölkner

Sabina Wölkner

Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62

Gisela Elsner

Gisela Elsner kas

Global Sustainability Policy Officer and KAS Advice and Complaints Officer +49 30 26996-3759
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iStock by Getty Images / photovs
February 17, 2022
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istock / pixelfusion3d
October 26, 2021
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Event reports
April 13, 2023
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Stethoskop auf digitaler Weltkarte Adobe Stock/ Nataliya

The Value of Global Health

Why Germany's strong commitment is worthwhile

Enhancing Ukraine’s Energy Security Amidst Ongoing War Dixi Group

Enhancing Ukraine’s Energy Security amidst ongoing war

Summary paper


Relation Tunisie EU et si l'énergie était le nouveau lien?

Présentation de sondage

Moldau Transnistrien Energiekrise, Bild aufgenommen im Januar 2025 IMAGO / SNA

Transnistria without gas and Chişinău in crisis mode. A difficult winter in the Republic of Moldova

Russia's gas supply freeze aims at political stability in the country

Policy Atlas Wohnen

Policy Atlas ‘Renting, Buying, Living’

An overview of key housing policy measures

Menschen benutzen ein behelfsmäßiges Floß, um sich durch die vom Monsunregen verursachten Überschwemmungen im Bezirk Dadu in der pakistanischen Provinz Sindh zu retten, Donnerstag, 9. September 2022. Die beispiellose Überschwemmung, die Mitte Juni begann, löste Erdrutsche und eingestürzte Häuser aus, tötete mehr als 1.300 Menschen und machte über 600.000 Menschen in Pakistan obdachlos. Fareed Khan, AP, picture alliance

South Asia’s (Almost) Forgotten Climate Crisis and Europe’s Responsibility

The New Normal

Offshore Windpark Adobe Stock / agrarmotive

Wind power as a key to Vietnam's sustainable future?

Climate change, energy security, and economic growth

EU-Mercosur trade agreement, group picture of the heads of government Dante Fernández/ FocoUy

Political breakthrough on EU-Mercosur trade agreement

Founding of one of the world's largest economic areas after 25 years of negotiations

Klimaerzaehlung Headerbild / Elena Platova

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Engaging conservative groups for a technology-open, market-based, and internationally climate policy


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Business models in Southern Africa (DRC, Zambia and Angola) and Simandou in Guinea:

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Dependency, Governance, and Communication in Climate Policy

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Colombia’s Energy Transition

Between Export Dependency and High Ambitions

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EU-Japan Critical Raw Materials Alliance

How the EU and Japan could benefit from large-scale cooperation in the field of rare earth elements

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Kazakhstan’s Energy Transition

Tackling the Challenges on Kazakhstan’s Path to Carbon Neutrality

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Climate change in Europe: The flood of the century in Spain

Political and social consequences of the natural disaster

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Nigeria’s Energy Transition

Approaches for an efficient and pragmatic energy transition and climate protection

Call for Applications 2

Call for Applications for editing and copywriting services

Editing and Copywriting Services

Call for proposals

Call for Proposals-Business Case-Climate

Economic and Political Incentives for Climate Action: Creating a Business Case for the Private Sector

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Saudi Arabia’s Net-Zero World Narrative

Balancing Hydrocarbon Dependency and Sustainable Development in the Gulf Region

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Events on the topic




Wie sehen die ländlichen Räume der Zukunft aus?

Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der Volkshochschule des Vogelsbergkreises statt.

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Podiumsdiskussion Edgar Nemschok/KAS

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Die Wachstumskonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Veranstaltungsbericht: Expertengespräch

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Kanufahrt Titel

Klimawandel vor Ort erfahren

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Media library

Presidente de la Fundación Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, en RPP

Entrevista a Dr. Prof. Norbert Lammert

Con más de 30 años de trayectoria política, comparte su visión sobre las reformas económicas clave que propiciaron el 'milagro económico' en la Alemania de posguerra

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Kooperationsveranstaltung mit Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen

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Informe de Gestión KAS 2023

Con mucha satisfacción compartimos con ustedes nuestra gestión 2023. ¿Qué hicimos? 😎👇

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Erststimme #88: Hildegard Müller

Nachhaltige Mobilität & Künstliche Intelligenz

In der aktuellen Folge sprechen wir mit Hildegard Müller, der Präsidentin des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie, über spannende anstehende Themen.

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New episode "Auslandsinfo Spotlight"

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WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "COP28 and the Way Forward"

Listen to a debrief on the issues discussed and agreements reached at COP28 in Dubai and their implication for Thailand going forward.

Media Dialogue Forum 5 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "Thorny Issues ahead of COP28"

Hear from the experts and look ahead to the key issues facing the negotiation rounds at the COP28 in Dubai this year.

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WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "The Lessons Learned from PM2.5 and Rights to Clean Air"

Whether Thailand has learned this hard lesson and managed to address the true causes in order to come up with proportionate measures and policies.

Media Dialogue Forum 3 Year 4

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording "Dam or No Dam? in the Country’s Natural World Heritage Sites"

The discussion and input from stakeholders on large water management development projects in Thailand's World Heritage sites and a serious challenge for the preservation.

Media Dialogue Forum 2 Year 4 by Bangkok Tribune News Agency

WATCH AGAIN: Facebook-live Recording on El Niño - From Global Warming to Global Boiling

Experts and stakeholders discussed on how Thailand should prepare to cope with the escalation and effects of the climate change in both short and long terms.

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