Translation of Federal Constitutional Court decisions
During the last decades, the interest in the jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court has increased considerably among academics and political actors from all over the world. Taking note of this increasing demand, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung took the initiative for this project aiming at making some key decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court accessible to judges, lawyers and scholars who do not speak German.
The collection focuses on decisions pertaining to fundamental rights, which constitute an essential field of Constitutional Court jurisprudence, and delineate the sphere of an individual to society and state. Decisions on the following topics can be found (non-exhaustive enumeration):
Human Dignity; Free Development of Personality; Non-Discrimination; Freedom of Faith; Freedom of Expression; Right to vote; Freedom of Assembly; Protection of Property; Inviolability of the House.
Instructions how to easily work with this translation in electronic format
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This will allow you to use the prepared bookmarks (the content will be visible in a column on the left hand side). By using them, you can directly access any of the selected single decision with only one “click”.
Also, it is possible to search for key words in the document by using Acrobat Reader`s “search” function by simultaneously pushing “Ctrl” +”F” on your keyboard).
Prevedenim odlukama Saveznog ustavnog suda možete pristupiti u * .PDF formatu.
U posljednjih nekoliko decenija među naučnicima, pravnicima i političkim akterima iz cijelog svijeta značajno se povećalo interesovanje za praksu njemačkog Saveznog ustavnog suda, kao čuvara njemačkog Osnovnog zakona (Ustava).
Program za vladavinu prava Konrad-Adenauer-Fondacije za jugoistočnu Evropu odabrao je odluke njemačkog Saveznog ustavnog suda prevedene na službene jezike zemalja jugoistočne Evrope i čini ih dostupnima besplatno. To znači da bitni dijelovi ovih odluka i razmatranja na kojima se temelje mogu biti dostupni i onim sudijama, pravnicima,u javnim službama, pravnicima i studentima koji ne razumiju njemački jezik.
Upute za lakši rad s ovim prijevodom u elektroničkom format
Da biste omogućili punu funkcionalnost ove e-knjige, preuzmite pdf datoteku i otvorite je u Adobe Acrobat Reader ili sličnom programu.
To će vam omogućiti da koristite pripremljene oznake (sadržaj će biti vidljiv u koloni s lijeve strane). Koristeći ih, možete direktno pristupiti bilo kojoj odabranoj pojedinačnoj odluci samo jednim „klikom“.
Takođe, moguće je pretraživati ključne riječi u dokumentu pomoću funkcije „pretraga“ programa Acrobat Reader istovremeno pritiskajući tastere „Ctrl“ + „F“ na tastaturi).
About this series
In order to strengthen the institutional and judicial cooperation between Germany and the countries of South East Europe, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung considers translations of landmark decision of the Federal Constitutional Court as an important step in the realm of preserving fundamental rights and liberties, safeguarding the constitutional order and applying the rule of law. All decision so far translated can be accessed in several official languages of the countries of South East Europe (PDF file and EPUB).