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Judicial Independence

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For effective compliance with constitutional principles, an independent, competent and transparent judiciary is a very important condition. Even the best substantive law loses its credibility and effectiveness through a lack of judicial enforceability. Independence of the judiciary can be weakened both by corrupt judges and by political interference in the judiciary. Therefore, the separation of powers needs to be respected and strengthened.

The Rule of Law Programme Asia is committed to the establishment of an efficient and autonomic judiciary, the binding of both the executive and the legislative to law as well as the establishment and strengthening of independent monitoring bodies such as anti-corruption authorities. The Rule of Law Programme promotes professionalism and integrity in the exercise of legal professions by educating on existing international and regional standards concerning the ethical conduct of judges and prosecutors. Moreover, it promotes the development and application of such standards at a national level and supports the networking of educational institutions for judges and prosecutors.

In this subject area the Rule of Law Programme also holds regular conferences for judges and representatives of anti-corruption authorities. Especially the cooperation with justice academies and universities, which educate and provide further studies for jurists, is of great importance.


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