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Launch Event & Panel Discussion - Regulating Data in India & Indonesia


RLPA, the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and the Centre for Digital Society, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia are jointly organising a webinar to launch the Report on Regulating Data in India and Indonesia.

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Regulating Data in India & Indonesia

Data and its governance dominate policy discussions around the world. Countries across the world are attempting to regulate data and craft viable frameworks that allow for data to be effectively managed, processed and stored. Governments are also keen to regulate data to ensure domestic stakeholders benefit, both monetarily and by deploying data to create new applications and services for rapidly expanding digital markets.

This event launches a new Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung report that covers how India and Indonesia have sought to regulate data or create rules that govern how data is collected, processed, stored, and shared. The experiences of these two Asian countries are important to track and analyse, given the size and scope of their digital economies, scale of data generation and use and whether these considerations will trump privacy considerations. The remit and writ of legislations being drafted in both countries will be deep, given the impact new rules will have on privacy and citizen’s rights, the state’s role in governing data, and digital innovation trends in India and Indonesia. How India and Indonesia manage these questions and issues could also shape how other Asian countries go about regulating data.


The event will be available for viewing on livestream via this link 


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Aishwarya Natarajan

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