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Agence Judiciaire du Royaume du Maroc

The institution's field of action covers all areas of administrative law and related litigation, including a.o. appeals for annulment of administrative decisions before the administrative courts and the Court of Cassation and contractual liability of legal persons under public law.
The institution's expertise in these areas covers legal defence, legal advice and out-of-court settlements.
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Arab Association of Constitutional Law (AACL)

Established in 2014, the Arab Association of Constitutional Law (AACL) is the first regional network of constitution drafting experts in the Middle East and North Africa. AACL’s main objective is to contribute to good governance by promoting intra-regional learning. It also aims to provide objective, grounded and forward-thinking technical analysis of the region’s constitutional frameworks and to apply its expertise to legal and constitutional reform efforts throughout the region.
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Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI)

ACRLI works towards anchoring the rule of law and the fundamentals of justice in culture and in practice in the MENA region, as prerequisites for democratic, social and economic development and reform. It wants to reinforce it’s role as an Arab think tank and development organization contributing to the betterment of Arab societies through strengthening the rule of law and integrity.
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Arab Centre for Legal and Judicial Research

The Centre’s objectives are, among others, documenting and developing cooperation among Arab member states in the legal and judicial fields; supporting and conducting specialized scientific research in the field of Sharia and law and contributing to the steps related to the unification of Arab legislation; studying judicial systems and conducting comparative research on them with the aim of modernizing, developing and unifying Arab judicial systems.
For this purpose, the Center holds periodic meetings for heads of judicial inspection agencies, directors of judicial institutes and those responsible for qualifying judges among others. It also conducts studies and research.
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Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in Middle East ad North African Universities (ASSELLMU)

ASSELLMU is a professional network of environmental law experts that – according to its constitution – promotes dialogue and inquiry into the teaching, research, practice and implementation of environmental law as it pertains to the countries and peoples of the Middle East and North Africa region.
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Association pour the Rule of Law Promotion & Alternative Dispute Resolution (ARPA), Maroc

The ARPA Association is a network at the crossroads of rule of law, diaspora politics and academia that offers a range of services to two poles: legal policy makers and civil society.
The main purpose of ARPA is to involve these bodies in the process of consolidating the rule of law, to promote the principles of participatory democracy in Morocco in parallel with international law and to disseminate the culture and practices of law through dialogue and peaceful and fair interactions between Moroccan competences in the Diaspora and their counterparts in Morocco.
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Beirut Arab University (BAU)

The Beirut Arab University wants to be among the top universities in the region, with a global perspective that generates multi-cultural leaders equipped with competence and insightfulness for the development and progress of the society. It is committed to offering outstanding learning experiences and high quality research. It is keen on reviving and sustaining our networks nationally and internationally. It stimulates creativity and innovation while instilling the concept of leadership and resilience to empower the community.
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Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BRAK)

The German Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer, BRAK) is the umbrella organization of the 28 German regional Bars and has as such represented the interests of approximately 166,000 German lawyers (Rechtsanwälte) at national, European and international level for over 60 years.
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Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan

The aims of the CSS are to conduct studies in political, military, economic and social aspects of issues that interest Jordan and the Arab world, which are connected to the security of the region and affect its future. In addition it holds opinion polls with the goal of providing researchers and policy makers with the necessary facts and data, and organizing events and activities like seminars and conferences.
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Centre libanais pour les études internationales (CLEI)

CLEI is an academic scientific institution whose mission is to promote international research and studies in general, and in public international law law, in particular. It aspires to strengthen higher education in this field and the role of education in this sector and the role of international sciences in Lebanon's foreign relations relations as well as in public and private institutions.
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Conseil Constitutionnel Libanais

The Constitutional Council is among the most recent bodies that came to light in 1993 following the 1989 Taif Agreement. It is is a constitutional body of judicial nature and has the power to review the constitutionality of laws and adjudicating on challenges to the results of parliamentary and presidential elections.
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Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature Libanais (CSM)

The Lebanese Supreme Council of Magistracy oversees the independence of the judiciary and the lawful actions of the judicial authorities such as the courts, the judges and state attourneys.
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Constitutional Court of Jordan

The Constitutional Court of Jordan was established in 2012 as an independent body. The Constitutional Court derives its strength from the constitution which it protects.
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Constitutional Court of Kuwait

The Constitutional Court of Kuwait is exclusively competent to interpret constitutional texts, to adjudicate disputes related to the constitutionality of laws and decrees by laws and regulations, and in appeals relating to the election of members of the National Assembly or the validity of their membership. The ruling of the Constitutional Court is binding for all courts.
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Cour constitutionnelle du Royaume du Maroc

The Constitutional Court ensures the conformity of the legislative texts and the internal regulations of both houses of parliament and some constitutional institutions, as well as the international obligations with the constitution.
Court decisions do not accept any means of appeal, and they are binding on all public authorities and all administrative and judicial authorities.
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European Technology and Training Centre (ETTC), Iraq

The ETTC was opened by the German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank Walter Steinmeier in February 2009. It is an independent, locally based and internationally oriented organization, registered as a non-profit nongovernmental organization in KRG.
Since 2009 the ETTC has contributed to the democratic and economic development of the Kurdish Region by providing development and migration projects and offering a wide range of training, workshops and other events, mainly in cooperation with international partners.
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Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights Lebanon (FHHR)

The FHHR is an independent non-governmental human rights organization, committed to defending human rights and humanitarian laws, dedicated to promoting freedom and equality, and devoted to advocate values of democracy in Lebanon. The Foundation works towards promoting a conscious awareness of human rights in Lebanon, the Middle and Near East, propagating these values by way of long-term and far-reaching educational processes with the ultimate goal of integrating these rights within the fabric of society; identifying cases and situations where human rights are violated or denied, in a bid to promote awareness and alert civil society and public opinion; and confronting sources and agents violations of human rights, applying pressure to halt violations and redress injustice.
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Gherbal Initiatives

The Gherbal Initiative wants to bridge the gap between Lebanese citizens and administrations, pushing the latter to adopt measures that guarantee access to information and transparency. Gherbal aims to transform the Lebanese political rhetoric from being biased, sectarian and dependent on clientelism, to a candid and patriotic dialogue that relies on facts and numbers. Gherbal believes that the democratization of information can act as an antidote to corruption.
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International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO

CISH contributes to the development and promotion of culturally-rooted research in human and social sciences, with the related competencies and policies for peaceful, inclusive and sustainable living-together, focusing on youth and women. CISH envisions a world of shared human flourishing and sustainable development, in inclusive, just and democratic societies.
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Judicial Studies Institute of the Ministry of Justice, Lebanon

The National Center for Judicial Studies was established pursuant to Presidential Decree Law No. 347 of 1981 with the aim of preparing and training members of judicial bodies and collecting, publishing and preserving documents, like legislation and research.
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Justice Ministry of Kurdistan

The Ministry is responsible for overseeing the judiciary in the Kurdistan Region, and for protecting citizen rights through the implementation of new legislation, operating within the framework of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international treaties.
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Kurdistan Center for International Law (KCIL)

The KCIL is an academic Kurdish-German, non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit, and independent center with a primary focus on research and analysis of the international law pertaining to Kurdistan’s communities. the KCIL combines advocacy with legal analysis to protect, promote and fulfill the fundamental principles of International Human Rights law, International Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law in Kurdistan. It focuses on the study of law, conflict, peace strategies, survey and policy brief. KCIL aims to combine the theoretical and practical expertise of leading academics and policy-makers to deliver strategic studies.
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Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE)

LADE is a civil, independent and nonprofit organization. It aims at improving the Lebanese electoral system and reinforcing the fair and democratic practice of parliamentary and municipal elections in Lebanon. Its mail goals are:
- To improve the Lebanese electoral laws in compliance with international standards
- To increase voter awareness and commitment to their electoral rights and duties
- To monitor elections and insure its fair application based on the Lebanese regulations and laws.
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Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP)

The Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace is a non-governmental organization which endeavors to encourage Lebanese society to reflect upon and process inter-sectarian conflict. The renewal of the country’s collective civil war memory constitutes a cornerstone of perpetual peace. The Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace intends to create a favorable environment for the peaceful settlement of conflict.
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Lebanese Judges Association

The Lebanese Judges Association is an association whose goal is to achieve the independence of the judiciary, to promote a culture of accountability in society, standards of impartiality, integrity, and impartiality in the judiciary, and to perpetuate the rule of law.
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Lebanon Law Review (LLR)

The Lebanon Law Review, a subsidiary of HAQQ LLC. is an academic institution headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon primarily concerned with producing the highest quality research into law and politics. The Lebanon Law Review aims to be the leading and most influential institution of academic legal research in Lebanon built around an inclusive and sustainable legal ecosystem.
The Lebanon Law Review is on a mission to enlighten, reform and inspire.
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Legal Agenda

Legal Agenda is a non-government, not-for-profit organization with offices in Lebanon and Tunisia. It aims to lift the barriers between the law and society in Lebanon in particular and the Arab region more generally so that lawmaking is no longer monopolized by those in power and can be understood and critiqued by ordinary citizens, not just legal experts.
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Media Association for Peace (MAP)

MAP is the first non-governmental organization in Lebanon, the Middle East and North Africa region dedicated to work on Peace Journalism through training, networking, publishing and researching. The vision of MAP is to get to a media that play an essential role in peacebuilding especially in conflict and post-conflict areas while enhancing Human Rights, Dialogue, Reconciliation, Gender Equality, Sustainable Development and Social Justice in order to reach a less violent, more peaceful world. For that, MAP organizes workshops, seminars, conferences, public debates, projects and writes publications.
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MENA Legal Network (MLN)

The MLN has a dynamic and ambitious aim: to bring together like-minded scholars, practitioners, students, lawyers and academic to share views, comments and opinions on legal developments in the MENA Region from an academic perspective. In order to achieve this aim, the MLN seeks to make some of these analyses available to a wider audience using it's network of academics and institutions, through a variety of different mediums, including seminars, conferences and workshops as well as publishing in journals and books.
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Middle East Institute for Research and Strategical Studies (MEIRSS)

MEIRSS envisions a Middle East that is ruled by law and democracy, where decision-making is guided by evidence and reason, rather than by conflict and radical ideology, and where all people live peacefully and as equals regardless of their religion, ethnicity or political affiliations. The institute seeks to conduct rigorous research and analysis, done by engaging with young researchers under the oversight of experienced academics, in order to promote an enhanced understanding of the region’s political landscape and lead to better-informed decision-making by politicians and activists in the region and abroad.
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Notre Dame University - Louaize (NDU)

NDU is a private, Lebanese non-profit Catholic institution of higher education. It seeks to provide comprehensive quality education that fosters excellence in scholarship, lifelong learning, enlightened citizenship, human solidarity, moral integrity, and belief in God. In designing its curricula, NDU is committed to the philosophy and standards of the American model of liberal arts education.
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Observatoire de la Fonction Publique et de la Bonne Gouvernance (OFP), Universität St. Joseph

Created in 2015, the OFP supports any initiative aimed at promoting good governance, in its political, institutional and administrative aspects. The OFP thus intends to act in favor of the democratic principles of the rule of law, transparency, the fight against corruption and the promotion of citizenship, from the academic circle that is USJ, whose tradition has always contributed to the development of these values in Lebanon and which continues to be a place of intellectual and political debate for young people.
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Plan International Jordan (PIJ)

Plan International began operating in Jordan in 2016 to address the biggest inequalities and violations of children’s rights. Its current priorities include ensuring the most vulnerable children have access to a quality education, preventing violence, exploitation and supporting children who are survivors of abuse and helping young people to gain the skills and knowledge they need to get good jobs.
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Présidence de la République Tunisienne (2013-2014)

In the years 2013 and 2014 KAS has been contributing to the creation of an International Constitutional Court, a project initiated by Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki. Since then, two international conferences have been held in cooperation with the Presidency of the Tunisian Republic.
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Youssef SADER Foundation for Legal Culture (SADER Foundation)

The SADER Foundation has been established in 2019 for the purpose of honoring a valued heritage that has opened the gate to the world of legal innovation in the Arab world; as this sort of appreciation deserves to be prolonged beyond its original borders. The non-profit organization aims at spreading the long well established legacy of SADER to the public involving youths and professionals by disseminating the culture of legal awareness in the community and provide legal expertise. This is to be conducted through organizing continuous sessions of training, workshops, research teachings and seminars as well as exchange visits with other well experienced Lebanese, foreign bodies and associations that share similar objectives.
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Seeds for Legal Initiatives

SEEDS for Legal Initiatives is a non-profit organization, officially established in 2016. SEEDS seeks to advocate, empower, integrate, and create awareness about legal and human rights in Lebanon. Collaborating with individuals and organizations, SEEDS was born out of the need for simplified legal knowledge as well as the needs for initiatives that activate the legal system within the different aspects of people’s lives to enhance human rights. SEEDS worked on several aspects, covering human rights, legal consultancy, round tables around policy change, women empowerment, fair trials and research based on the rule of law.
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Syrian Legal Development Programme (SLDP)

SLDP is a legal NGO and is constantly addressing challenges and needs where its skill set is necessary to navigate the Syrian context and the related legal challenges. It’s vision is a Syrian community that is premised on human rights and the rule of law. It wants to utilize creative ways to fight impunity in Syria directly and through the support of NGOs.
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United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)

The UAEU wants to continue its positive contribution to the advancement of UAE by delivering undergraduate and graduate education that meets international standards, engaging effectively with the community and the world to foster knowledge creation and dissemination, and enhancing the research capacity of the country. Its vision: Leadership and innovation in higher education, research and community service at national and international levels.
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University of Algeria 1, Faculty of Law

The University of Algiers is a public research university located in Algiers, Algeria. It is the oldest and most prestigious university in Algeria. The faculty of law was created in 1879.
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