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Event reports

Administrative Jurisdiction

Justice at the Heart of Good Governance

On July 15th, 2020 the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa, in cooperation with the Observatory for Public Service and Good Governance of the University Saint-Joseph (USJ), organized an online seminar on the Lebanese Administrative Judiciary. Under the topic “Administrative Jurisdiction – Justice at the Heart of Good Governance” students and the general public had the opportunity to exchange with legal experts and representatives of the civil society on current challenges and reform perspectives for Lebanon.

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“All countries have an administrative law, not all have an administrative justice”


Quoting Jean-Marc Sauvé, former Member of the French State Council, Prof. Pascal Monin, Director of the Observatory for Public Service and Good Governance of the University Saint-Joseph (USJ), opened the online seminar.


In the course of the two-hours event, Lara Karam Boustany, Professor of Public Law (USJ), Mireille Najm-Checrallah, Lawyer and Lecturer of Constitutional Law (USJ), Nizar Saghieh, Lawyer, Co-founder and Director of "The Legal Agenda" and Nadi Abi Rached, Lawyer and Professor of Public Law (USJ) presented and discussed the function, organization, procedures and reform needs of the Lebanese Administrative Judiciary.


Following the first round of input statements, the audience had the opportunity to directly debate with the invited legal experts: What is the administrative judiciary, how is it organized, what is its impact on the society? More importantly, which are the mechanisms of its independence and impartiality? How to prevent political interference in the administrative judiciary and its potential instrumentalisation? How to protect citizens from the administrative judiciary overstepping its powers? Finally, how to foster the citizen’s access to justice?



We wish to thank all those involved in the Webinar - speakers and the audience - for their bright and constructive interventions.


Did you miss the webinar? You can watch the full recorded session at:

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