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Book presentation

Presentation at the University of Stellenbosch

Presentation at the University of Stellenbosch of the two-volume book on Climate Change and Global Governance with a foreword by KAS Chairman Prof Dr Hans-Gert Poettering.

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The book is produced by the KAS Rule-of Law Program for Subsahara Africa together with the publishing house Nomos. The editors are Prof Oliver Ruppel, Prof Christian Roschmann and Dr Katharina Ruppel-Schlichting. The volumes include contributions by 85 authors worldwide and are seen as the first comprehensive work on the new legal field of climate change.

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University of Stellenbosch


Prof. Dr. Christian Roschmann

Head of the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa


Peter Wendoh

le to ri: Prof Ruppel, Dr. Ruppel- Schlichting, Prof. Roschmann KAS
le to ri: Dr. Ruppel Schlichting, Prof. Clote(Vice Rector), Prof. Humann(Dean) Prof. Roschmann, Prof. Ruppel KAS