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Specialist conference

KAS Sideshow at COP18 Doha, Qatar

KAS sideshow during the UN Climate Conference COP18 in Doha, Qatar

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In front of the impacts of climate change, international regimes facing serious concerns among others to human rights, trade, territorially sovereignty or migration aspects. Legal responses and global responsibilities therefore gain an increasing political meaning as the encompass legal and policy responses to climate change e. g. via liability or jurisdiction and litigation. The panel considers two publication projects of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation with regard to global governance and responsibility in a climate change context, one dealing with international regimes in a changing environment and the other with legal responsibilities and responses to climate change on a global level.

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Doha, Qatar


  • Dr. Christian Hübner Coordinator Environmental
    • Climate and Energy Policy
      • KASProf. Christian Roschmann KAS Rule of Law Programme Sub-Saharan AfricaProf. Oliver Ruppel
        • Prof. für Internationales Recht
          • Fakultät für Recht Uni.Stellenbosch
            • SA

              Prof. Dr. Christian Roschmann

              Head of the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa


              Peter Wendoh

     ri. Prof. Christian Roschmann, Dr. Hans-Jörg Dietsche, Prof. Oliver Ruppel, Dr, Christian Hübner, Prof. Richard Merck, Prof. Anne Dreier, Prof. Volker Wittberg, Dr. Gidon Windecker KAS, Gidon Windecker

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