Asset Publisher
Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania

The Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania is the organisation through which the communities of Romanian citizens of German ethnicity represent themselves in Romanian political life. The Germans of Romania are full citizens of the modern Romanian state. In the wake of the fall of communism in 1989/1990, the Germans of Romania gave themselves political representation in the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania (DFDR). The DFDR is divided into local forums, county forums and regional forums (Old Kingdom, Banat, Buchenland, Northern Transylvania, Transylvania). The headquarters is currently in Sibiu.
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Romanian Diplomatic Institute (IDR)

The Romanian Diplomatic Institute (RDI) has the mission to make a substantial contribution to increasing the quality of Romanian diplomacy through training, further education, research, the development of critical and strategic thinking and international networking.
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Romanian Association of Debating, Oratory and Rhetoric (ARDOR)

The Romanian Association for Debating Oratory and Rhetoric (ARDOR) aims to develop a framework in which current high school students and college students learn to become future engaged citizens. ARDOR has been promoting debate as an educational tool to develop critical thinking, argumentation and public speaking skills since 1998, the year it was founded. ARDOR operates as a network of 100 debating clubs, coordinated by its 6 regional member associations: the Association of Debating Clubs of the West, ARDOR Muntenia, AGORA Debate, the Association of Social Education, the Association of Communication, Oratory, Rhetoric and Debating and the Romanian Association of Thought and Oratory.
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Babeș-Bolyai University

Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca is an academic educational public institution aiming to promote and sustain the development of specific cultural components within the local, regional, national and international community: a culture for personal and moral development; a culture for an active attitude and participation; multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue and collaboration between different religions; an action culture based on systematic and innovative knowledge (culture of scientific and technological competence, organizational competence and civil competence); a culture for integration in diversity and for globalization, in terms of respecting the identity and reciprocity.
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The Museum of Collectivisation in Romania

The Museum of Collectivisation in Romania (Romanian: "Muzeul Colectivizării din România", MC) researches, analyses and presents the collectivisation process in communist Romania and its consequences, which still have an impact on society today. The collectivisation process consisted of the state confiscation of all private agricultural land, buildings, animals and equipment and their incorporation into state farms. Opposition farmers were arrested, sentenced or deported. Collectivised agriculture existed until the end of the communist regime in Romania. As a place of remembrance and political education, the MC works towards a democratic, pluralistic development in Romania based on the rule of law.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE)

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (abbreviated ASE) is a Romanian public university. It was founded in 1913 by decree of the Romanian King Charles I and is today one of the best universities in Romania. More than 900 academics teach and conduct research at 13 faculties and 23 research centres. Around 23,000 students complete a degree programme from the ASE's diverse range of courses. Unique in Europe is the Faculty of Business Administration's undergraduate programme (with teaching in foreign languages - FABIZ), which offers trilingual teaching in English, German or French.
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University of Bucharest

The Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest (FPSUB) was founded in 1991 as specialized institution on international connections. FPSUB thus today is the only faculty of political science in Romania that offers a complete B.A., M.A. & Ph.D. "degree-package" in three languages: Romanian, English and French, in the fields of Political Science, International Relationships and European Studies. FPSUB also has the highest number of professors specialized in political science, international relationships or European studies in Romania.
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Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning (CPC-EW)

The Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning (CPCEW) is a Romanian leading research institute in the area of international relations and security studies. CPCEW aims at creating a conflict analysis network for the potential crises emerging in the 22 former soviet states from the European area, the Caucasus, Western Balkans, Central Asia and the Middle East; Building an early warning network in the 22 former soviet countries comprising of academics and media based in Bucharest; Setting up a methodological training center in conflict analysis and early warning; Developing training programs for students interested in research activities and selecting those likely to meet the requirements of a center of excellence and Creating an expertise center for the Republic of Moldova aiming at strengthening its democracy and rule of law ( RED-Romania Enduring Democracy project).
To the webpage is an independent media portal founded by journalists with over 25 years of experience in the media, specialising in domestic and foreign policy, business and justice, and investigative press. focuses on the news of the day, exclusive topics, investigations and analyses. Articles from the Romanian and international press are presented.
To the webpage is a generalist news site, founded in July 2020, where a team of professional, experienced journalists have chosen to do quality press. The editorial office aims to inform correctly, campaigns for truth and values in Romanian society and presents reasoned opinions. focuses on daily news, interviews, analysis and opinion articles.
Fundaţia Academia Civică

The Civic Academy Foundation came into being following the suggestion of the Council of Europe to create a foundation to carry out and manage the Sighet Memorial project, adopted by the high international forum. On 21 April 1994 Ana Blandiana and 175 other founding members founded the Civic Academy Foundation, with the general aim of civic education through a good knowledge of the country's and Eastern Europe's immediate past, and thus restoring the truths of recent history falsified during the years of the communist dictatorship.
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Mindoff is a local HR Boutique in Bucharest. They design staffing solutions tailored to various business environments and cultures. Mindoff helps us creating inspinring workshops with learning experiences for our scholarship-holders and participants of various training formats.
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HotNews is one of the oldest and biggest Romanian news sites focused mainly on general topics, finance, politics, and current affairs. The website constantly publishes news, interviews, video documentaries, and opinion pieces. The website was founded in October 1999 by a group of financial journalists under the name and contained articles from outside sources put together as a press review. It was rebranded as in 2005.
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Cube Training

Cube Training is a training and teambuilding agency. The aim of Cube Training is that every group participating in our experiences leaves inspired and energised. With salt, pepper and other secret ingredients, the magic of team play is built to create unforgettable and lasting experiences.
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Ministry of National Defence

The Ministry of National Defence is the specialised body of the central public administration, subordinate to the government, which implements national defence in accordance with legal provisions and the national security strategy. The Ministry of Defence guarantees the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the country.
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