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About us

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Welcome to the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung!

Freedom, justice and solidarity are the guiding principles of the work of the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The KAS is a political foundation with close ties to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU). As co-founder of the CDU and the first German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) combined Christian social, conservative and liberal traditions. His name stands for the democratic reconstruction of Germany, the anchoring of foreign policy in a transatlantic community of values, the vision of European unification and the orientation towards the social market economy. His intellectual legacy continues to be both a task and an obligation for us.

With our European and International Cooperation, we work to ensure that people can live in freedom and dignity in a self-determined manner. We make a value-oriented contribution to ensuring that Germany lives up to its growing responsibility in the world.

We want to encourage people to help shape the future in this sense. Through more than 110 offices and projects worldwide (of which more than 20 are in Sub-Saharan Africa alone), we make an independent contribution to promoting democracy, the rule of law and a social market economy. In order to secure peace and freedom, we support continuous dialogue on foreign and security affairs as well as exchange between cultures and religions.

For us, the focus is on the human being in his or her unmistakable dignity, rights and duties. For us, they are the starting point for social justice, liberal democracy and sustainable economic activity. By bringing together people who accept their social responsibility, we develop active networks in politics, business and society. Our political knowledge management improves the chances of shaping globalisation in a socially just, ecologically sustainable and economically efficient way.

We work in partnership with state institutions, political parties, civil society organisations and selected elites. Through our goals and values, we want to continue to deepen political cooperation regionally and globally, especially in development policy. Together with our partners, we contribute to an international order that enables every country to develop in freedom and responsibility.

The main objectives of the Regional Programme Security Dialogue for East Africa

In addition to the many country programmes with which the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung represents Sub-Saharan Africa, there are also some regional programmes. These programmes complement the Foundation's country-specific activities and deal with specific issues from a regional perspective.

The Regional Programme Security Dialogue for East Africa deals with security affairs and international relations in the East African region. The thematic area of security affairs is to be understood in a broader sense. In addition to interstate and intrastate conflicts in East Africa and the development of (Islamist) terrorist organisations in the region, the RP SIPODI East Africa also deals with topics from the areas of flight and migration as well as the impact of climate change on security.

From the programme's office in Kampala, projects are supervised in various countries in the region. The main focus is on the Horn of Africa region, which consists of Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea. The Great Lakes region also plays an important role in the work of the regional programme. It includes several countries in East Africa. Of particular interest to the RP SIPODI East Africa are Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo, Mozambique, Rwanda and Burundi. The target groups of the measures at regional and national level extend in particular to political decision-makers as well as actors from civil society and the academic sector.

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Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre