Asset Publisher
KAS activities are rolled out in close cooperation with local partners, like universities, research institutes and independent think tanks. These partnerships allow both sides to benefit from a vast pool of expertise, experience and networks.
Free Market Foundation (FMF)
The Free Market Foundation promotes and defends the principles of individual liberty, private property, free enterprise and limited government in Southern Africa
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The FW de Klerk Foundation
The FW de Klerk Foundation promotes the heritage of former South African president FW de Klerk. The Foundation has no party political affiliation and is registered as a not-for-profit organisation. Its objectives are upholding the South African Constitution and the national accord, working for harmonious relations in multicultural societies, promoting the peaceful and negotiated resolution of disputes and mobilising resources for disabled and underprivileged children.
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Democracy Development Program (DDP)
The Democracy Development Program (DDP) aims to deepen the practice of democracy in South Africa by building strong and active communities that can hold those in power to account. They advocate for an active, informed and involved citizenry contributing toward a transformed society and responsive government through a strong, organized civil society that actively promotes a culture of democracy and supports the development of connected, purposeful and active communities.
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CiviNovus verfolgt die Vision, sich kontinuierlich, systematisch und dynamisch zu einer führenden Wissensinstitution für soziale Innovation mit signifikanter Wirkung für eine gute Gesellschaft und das Gute in der Gesellschaft zu entwickeln und diese mitzugestalten.
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Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG)
The Parliamentary Monitoring Group is an information service that aims to provide accurate, objective, and current information on all parliamentary committee proceedings in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes and documents, and sound recordings. It was established in 1995 as a partnership between Black Sash, Human Rights Committee and Institute for Democratic Alternatives in South Africa with the aim of providing a type of Hansard for the proceedings of more than fifty South African Parliamentary Committees.
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Organization Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA)
OUTA is an organisation that aims to undo tax abuse, corruption & maladministration. They also work with communities and authorities in improving administration and service delivery, within all spheres of government.
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AfricanLII at UCT
AfricanLII is an open-access research platform for African law jointly operated by the AfricanLII programme of the University of Cape Town and Laws.Africa. AfricanLII publishes the law and policy of the African Union and federates search across all open access African national law available through the Open Law Africa community of LIIs.
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Accountability Now
The Institute for Accountability in Southern Africa (IFAISA) is devoted to upholding constitutionalism in Southern Africa through the inculcation of the values of accountability and responsiveness to the needs of the people of the region in its governments, parastatal organisations and civil society, including business and industry.
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CREDO at Stellenbosch University
The Centre for Research on Democracy (CREDO) at Stellenbosch University is an interdisciplinary academic centre with a global reach dedicated to the study and promotion of democracy and its values.
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iNtaka Centre for Law & Technology at the University of Cape Town
The iNtaka Centre is a learning, teaching and research hub dedicated to exploring the legal, technical, ethical and social implications at the nexus of law, technology, innovation, data and society. Their work is centred around 4 main pillars: teaching, research, policy and learning. Through these main pillars they aim to positively impact digital policy and the digital economy by employing multidisciplinary research to explore the interplay between technology, regulation, innovation and human rights.
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The Brenthurst Foundation
The Brenthurst Foundation was established by the Oppenheimer family to build on the work of the Brenthurst Initiative of 2003. This was a programme that instigated debate around policy strategies in South Africa to accelerate economic expansion. The debate continues across the continent, driven by the sharing of ideas, data, and experiences.
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