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Event Reports

“European Clubs” in Georgia

On 4 July 2019, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with CTC presented the concept of “European Clubs” to both young students from year 10 to year 11 and their teachers.

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“European Clubs” were conceived and initiated in Portugal and later on introduced to different countries like Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The idea of the “European Clubs” is to familiarize society as well as young citizens with European values are and what it means to be an EU citizen.

During the seminar on the 4 July, the participants engaged in various activities to get to know the concept of “European Clubs” better. Questions like “What does being a European mean to Georgia?”, “How do we understand European values?” and “Why should Georgia be part of the European family?” were addressed by the students and teachers, preparing posters with their answers.

The Georgian “European Clubs” will be starting from September 2019 onwards. Prior to that, several preparatory trainings will be provided.

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