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HIER - "Hindukusch InterExchange Research" (suspended until further notice due to security reasons)

During the first quarter of the year 2006 the KAF-Kabul started its trainee-program "Hindukusch InterExchange Research" (HIER)”



The traineeship program HIER aims at a bi-cultural cooperation between German and Afghan students. The program consists of three components. German students work together with students of the German Department of the Kabul University. Additionally they are assisted by Afghan repatriates who are now preparing for their university education at the elitist Amani-Oberrealschule.The group is going to work at the KAF partner National Centre for Policy Research

(NCPR) or in the KAS office. Contents and aims of the teamwork are widely ranged. They cover the production of an Afghan newsletter, public relations and the preparation and evaluation of conferences, roundtables, expert talks and public lectures. Among other things the trainees will work with our partner Radio and Television Afghanistan, RTA. RTA is producing the socio-political television magazine “NEGA” on a monthly basis. The KAS assists RTA in content and with material. Besides, the trainees will look after the project “Media-Offspring” where the KAS supports the production of a four paper supplement for the magazine “Afghanistan Today” by pupils of different Afghan schools. According to the motto “knowledge does not know hierarchy” our “junior researches” will be employed according to their talents. We hope to create long sustaining friendships between the ongoing German and Afghan academics.

“Each of us is able to contribute different things to the projects. One might be able to translate whereas the other one has a wider knowledge about the topic. Thus we learn more through our joint work in a short time than during the lessons at school or university.”

-The trainees-



General requirements for a traineeship in the KAS country office Afghanistan in Kabul are good health and the ability to get around with non-German standards of living. To be lanky and open towards a new culture is necessary. All costs concerning the traineeship (especially flight and food, insurances, health provisions and vaccination) have to be financed by the trainees themselves. Contributions or remunerations for the traineeship cannot be paid.

The profile of the Afghan country program addresses primarily to students and graduates of Political Science, History, Law, Business Management, Economics and Islam Studies. Successful applicants have to participate actively in the country office: that includes the assistance of the resident representative, in concept and in content, as well as the support in the planning processes, the preparation and realization of educational events throughout the country together with our Afghan employees. The country office reserves the right to cancel the traineeship at short notice, especially if the current security situation in Afghanistan forbids German citizens to stay in the country. Information is available at the Auswärtiges Amt. If you are interested in our trainee program “HIER”, we ask you to pay attention to the applications requirements and are looking forward to your application.


Applications only per mail under Sekretariat

The applications shall contain following documents and information:

Letter of motivation,

Personal record with photo,

Certificates of school and academic achievements,

Statement during which period you want to take part in the program,

Statement which spheres of work you prefer

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