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KAS Roundtable Series: Women, Peace & Security

Political Support of Afghan Women by the International Community - Lessons Learned and What Next?

On 27 February 2020, KAS invited to another WPS Roundtable discussion on the topic "Political Support of Afghan Women by the International Community - Lessons Learned and What Next?"

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On 27 February 2020, KAS invited to another WPS Roundtable discussion on the topic "Political Support of Afghan Women by the International Community - Lessons Learned and What Next?"


At the KAS WPS roundtable in February, the women-only participants addressed the question of how effective and useful international political support of Afghan women has been with regard to the objective of politically engaging women in the peace process. Where have been successful initiatives and examples? Which areas must be reviewed?


This roundtable series brings together perspectives from different backgrounds: Afghan women from government, parliament & politics, civil society & think tanks, as well as international women from embassies and diplomatic missions, international organisations and NATO.


For each field or question, 1-3 participants are invited to give a max. 5-minute input each. In the final discussion as well as during the networking dinner, the participants have time to further discuss and connect.


This KAS series of WPS Roundtables strives to connect women working on political or security issues and in precarious security environments, coming from different fields and professional backgrounds: government & parliament, independent activists, NGOs & international organisations, media, think tanks, police & security forces, private business.

This initiative is designed to build a platform of information, mentoring and career support for women working in and on politics & security. Together, we aim to build strong networks to provide women security and a political voice – for women, by women.




I. Welcome & Introduction of participants

by Dr. Ellinor Zeino, KAS Country Director


II.From vocational trainings to equal power-sharing: How honest and effective has been the political empowerment of women by the international community?


III. Women Voices on international platforms: How are women included in international talks & delegation visits in Afghanistan?


IV. International support to Afghan women in politics (A government perspective)


V. International political support to Afghan Women in NGOs and private Business (A Business / civil society perspective)


VI. Political Empowerment of Afghan Women: Obstacles and challenges faced by the international community (an international perspective)


VII. Discussion / Recommendations / Feedback & Follow-Up: Current Challenges and Way Ahead: How should the international community promote Afghan women in peace talks and politics?


Dinner Buffet & Networking

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Dr. Ellinor Zeino

Ellinor Zeino

Head Foreign Office Turkey +90 312 440 40 80
2020-02-27 WPS-Roundtable KAS

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