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Women Peace Mediators

Discussion with H.R.H. Nadir Naim

On 8 May 2021, the KAS Office in Kabul and its Women Mediator group discussed on “How to Build Trust between Women, Islamic Scholars, Political Parties, and Taliban for Afghan Peace?” Our guests were H.R.H. Nadir Naim, (Chairman) and Mr. Hashim Pashtun (Policy and Strategy Adviser) of the Kabul Institute for Peace (KIP). The event was hosted in partnership with EPD.

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On May 8, the KAS office in Kabul with it is "Women Peace Mediators" and in partnership with EPD organized a discussion on “How to Build Trust between Women, Islamic Scholars, Political Parties, and Taliban for Afghan Peace?”with H.R.H. Nadir Naim (Chairman) and Mohammad Hashim Pashtun (Policy and Strategy Adviser) from the Kabul Institute for Peace.

The "Women Peace Mediators" are a group of women mediators founded by KAS and EPD in Kabul in 2020, with the aim of proactively supporting dialogues and consensus building in the Afghan peace process.


Who are the Women Peace Mediators?

The "Women Peace Mediators" are a group of women mediators founded by KAS and EPD in Kabul in 2020 with the aim to support dialogue and consensus building in the Afghan peace process. A series of dialogues was established between women and religious scholars, mullahs and imams, as well as tribal elders and representatives of political Mujahideen parties to discuss issues relating to human and women's rights and political participation in the Afghan peace process.


Goals of the dialogues

  • Build knowledge, understanding and trust among different opinion holders (Islamic scholars, mullahs, imams, tribal elders, Afghan women and civil society).
  • Identify areas of consensus and dissent for the upcoming peace negotiations.
  • Engage religious scholars and local religious-conservative stakeholders as reform partners for peace.
  • Provide a dialogue platform for open and trustful exchange.
  • Involve the international community (including Muslim countries) for positive support for peace and reconciliation.


"Women Peace Mediator“-Dialogues since 2020

  • Herat Peace Dialogue with religious scholars and tribal elders (March 2021)
  • National Ulama Dialogue in Kabul (November 2020)
  • Dialogue with Mujahideen representatives (2020/2021)
  • Weekly discussion series with NATO, Berghof Foundation, embassies, OIC & Afghan NGOs


The dialogues take place under Chatham House rules.


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Dr. Ellinor Zeino

Ellinor Zeino

Head Foreign Office Turkey +90 312 440 40 80
2021-05-08 Intra-Afghan Dialogue (Nadir Naim) KAS Kabul
2021-05-08 KAS Kabul
2021-05-08 KAS Kabul

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Equality for Peace and Democracy (EPD)