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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality

Voices from Tanzania

In recent years, the global discourse on gender equality and women's empowerment has seen unprecedented momentum. A significant manifestation of this shift in Tanzania is embodied by Samia Suluhu Hassan's remarkable journey. Following President Magufuli's unexpected passing, she assumed office as Tanzania's first female president on March 19, 2021 (Africa Renewal, 2021). This milestone not only marks a profound departure from the traditionally male-dominated realm of politics but also underscores the ongoing struggle for gender parity and women's rights. Samia Suluhu Hassan's presidency stands as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating the breaking of gender barriers and establishing a precedent for women's leadership at the highest levels of Tanzanian governance (Africa Renewal, 2021). This paper aims to scrutinize the specific policies and reforms spearheaded by President Samia to advance women's empowerment and gender equality in Tanzania, emphasizing both the accomplishments and challenges of her tenure as the country's inaugural female president. It further evaluates the hurdles encountered in executing these initiatives, while examining the transformative influence of her presidency on traditional gender norms and societal expectations in Tanzania.

Tanzania's Economic Diplomacy: Balancing EU, China, and EAC Relations.

Voices from Tanzania

With one of the highest birth rates in the world, ranked 10th richest country in Africa by overall GDP in 20231 , one of the most stable and peaceful countries in its region, and with a recent change of status to a middle-income country, the Republic of Tanzania has seen a rapid growth (3rd fastest growing economy in Africa, behind Ivory coast and Rwanda)2. Studying the success and evolution of countries with global potential and impact provides insightful information about how a developing country manages its international relations. As a result, an expanded perspective on the dynamics of economic involvement and strategic decision-making in a complex and interconnected world can be gained through comprehending Tanzania's diplomatic strategy.

UJAMAA: Past and Present

The concept of Ujamaa and its impact on postcolonial Tanzania

This article aims at promoting an understanding of the concept of Ujamaa in its key ideas and of its relevance as a policy that still has an impact on postcolonial Tanzania. Using Julius Nyerere’s essay „Ujamaa - the Basis for African Socialism“ (1962) as a starting point, this article seeks to explore Ujamaa’s multifaceted meanings and realities, addressing the Arusha Declaration (1967) and the beginnings of a villagization program. It furthermore aims at critically reflecting on the role and portrayal of Julius Nyerere concerning Ujamaa.

KAS and EU goes to the pitch

Sports for Development

This article provides a brief overview of the activities in the European Union project Together for peace in Zanzibar. Spanning from the sports for development approach to the encouragement of political dialogue, it connects the population politically, socially and physically in multi-dimensional inclusion efforts.

Tanzania and the Ukraine War

A German perspective

An attempt from a German perspective to answer questions about Tanzania's abstention in the UN Resolution and what impact the relationship between the African country and not only Russia, but also China has on it.

jrhode licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0

Social Media and Tanzanian Politics

This article will provide an overview of Tanzania's use of social media and its impact on political discourse.

First, we'll examine how widespread social media usage is currently compared to previous years. Following that, we'll talk about the government and its impact on social media, as well as how societies use these platforms. Dangers and risks are also discussed, as well as how politics has evolved as a result of new media.

China Africa Relations

China and Tanzania in the New Era: A complicated Relationship

China’s relationship with the United Republic of Tanzania has a long history, spanning back to the independence of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in the early 1960s. Zhou Enlai, Premier at that time, even visited Tanganyika in 1964, just some months before the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar which created modern Tanzania (Shangwe, p. 81). As China promptly recognized the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, while other countries were hesitant at first, it positioned itself as an unconditional friend to Tanzania. Relations were natural as Tanzania, like many other sub-Sahara nations, was led by a socialist revolutionary government. For young Tanzania, the relationship with China was important as it strengthened its position as an independent country, while China looked for recognition as well. Hence, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the all-time governing party in Tanzania, have a long-standing mutual friendship. The good relations resulted in many development projects and other cooperation’s, most famous the challenging Tanzania-Zambia (TAZARA) railway project that today stretches over 1800 kilometers. The first Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere visited China in 1968, and since then mutual visits between the two nations, especially of party officials has remained common (Shangwe, p. 83). Particularly since China's economic opening in the 70s the good inter-party and diplomatic relations were joined by more and more economic and investment cooperation. To this day African countries remain the most favorable towards China, many for very similar reasons as Tanzania (Benabdallah, p. 3).

China in Tansania

Auf dem gesamten afrikanischen Kontinent wächst der Einfluss der Volksrepublik China kontinuierlich. Diese Entwicklung ist nicht neu, aber das zunehmend selbstbewusste Auftreten des Landes als aufstrebende Weltmacht offenbart die vielschichtigen Beziehungen Chinas zu den Ländern in Afrika deutlicher als das früher der Fall war. Das gilt auch für Tansania, eines der Länder, in denen das Engagement Chinas in Afrika sehr früh begonnen hat.

Ausländische Investitionen im tansanischen Bergbausektor auf dem Prüfstand

Tansania ist reich an unterschiedlichen Rohstoffen, die seit der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Öffnung des Landes von internationalen Bergbauunternehmen abgebaut werden. Dieser konstant wachsende Sektor schafft dringend benötigte Arbeitsplätze und verschafft der Regierung hohe Deviseneinnahmen. Der aktuelle Präsident fährt jedoch seit Beginn des Jahres einen konfrontativen Kurs, der die Investitionssicherheit des Landes gefährdet und die Frage aufwirft, wie sicher ausländische Investitionen in Tansania in Zukunft noch sein werden.

The Vth AU-EU summit: a turning point for relations between Africa and Europe?

On 29th and 30th of November 2017 the 5th AU-EU Summit took place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. 16 of the 28 EU Member States attended the summit, amongst them the German Chancellor Angela Merkel und French President Emmanuel Macron. For both countries Africa stands high on the political agenda, and the ad hoc initiative undertaken at the summit to address the modern slave trade in Libya highlights the joint concern but also the renewed Franco-German partner- and leadership.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.