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Informationen für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber um einen Praktikumsplatz bei der KAS Tansania

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Contents of the internship

  • With us, you will have the chance to participate in all areas of work - unlike in larger institutions. Therefore, your task will not be limited to a certain special field, but as a member of our team you will get a deep insight into the entire work of the foundation on site.
  • In addition, you will have the opportunity to focus on a specific area of responsibility for the duration of your stay that goes beyond the insight into our work. This could be, for example, a topic that you would like to pursue further in your studies, or a topic that interests you personally and has a connection to our work.
  • We will specify the content of your internship during the initial phase of your stay. In order to facilitate your familiarization and to gain an insight into current daily politics, you will initially begin by reviewing and analyzing the daily press.
  • In addition, you will assist us in updating our website, writing reports and will be involved in the preparation and implementation of our activities (workshops, conferences, publications, etc.). You will also have the opportunity to accompany us to meetings, appointments and events.


Application requirements

  • Prerequisite for your application is your well-founded interest in Africa and Tanzania, in social issues as well as in politics and political education. A good command of written and spoken German and English is essential. Office languages are German and English; our partners usually speak English. Knowledge of the local language Kiswahili is an advantage, but not required.
  • We expect from you the willingness not only to live and work in other African countries, but also to get involved in the new cultural environment and the local conditions.
  • As a member of the KAS team, you will also represent the foundation to the outside world. We therefore expect from our interns an open and serious appearance and the ability and willingness to communicate in an international and intercultural context.
  • Since an assignment in Tanzania involves some effort and you will need a certain amount of time for familiarization, short-term internships do not make much sense from our point of view. Therefore, the minimum duration of an internship is usually two months, usually three months. We welcome you to plan some time before or after your internship to travel around Tanzania or the East Africa region on your own and in this way complement the impressions you gain during your internship. It is important to us that after your stay you have developed a comprehensive understanding of the work of a local political foundation as well as the social conditions in an African country like Tanzania.

General conditions of the internship

  • You should take out an international health insurance for the time of your stay in the region, which you have to prove at the beginning of the internship. Accident insurance is also advisable, as the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung cannot assume any liability for possible accidents during your internship.
  • Regarding visa and other entry requirements, please contact the Tanzanian Embassy in Berlin. For more detailed information and tips on the visa process, please contact Ms. Anitha Mwanga. Please inform yourself about the necessary vaccinations with a tropical doctor as early as possible. As a rule, malaria prophylaxis is recommended.
  • Due to the funding guidelines of our donor, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), we are currently able to pay a taxable expense allowance of 300 euros per month for full-time internships starting at a period of four weeks. In the case of part-time work, the allowance is paid on a pro-rata basis. Further expenses such as flight costs, visa fees, rent, tropical fitness examination, etc. are not covered by the KAS. These costs, as well as the costs for health, liability and accident insurance abroad, must be borne by the interns themselves.
  • In order to prepare for your stay with us and in the region, you should consider some aspects such as the area where you will be living, how to get there, traffic routes and cultural conditions. Before you start your internship with us, we will be happy to send you further information and answer any questions you may have.

Application conditions

  • Studies related to the social sciences (completed intermediate diploma or intermediate examination; for bachelor's degree programs at least 3rd semester)
  • good written and spoken German and English skills
  • confident handling of modern IT, office and internet applications
  • minimum internship duration: 2 months
  • Your application documents include:
    • Letter of motivation stating the level of your language skills and the desired internship period; if necessary, with alternative internship period
    • Curriculum vitae with picture
    • certificates, possibly letters of recommendation
    • possibly indication of a main topic you would like to work on

Please send your application documents only in digital form (in a collected PDF file) with a short e-mail in ENGLISH and the subject "Application for internship" to

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