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GAIN-Uganda is a non-profit network of civil society organisations (CSOs). GAIN-Uganda consists of 18 member organisations that are committed and engaged in the principles of good governance, accountability, and human rights. At its core, GAIN-Uganda works towards a democratic and accountable society at all levels of governance and the protection of human rights and civil liberties. Together with GAIN-Uganda, KAS published a democracy handbook, which is used in civic education trainings in 18 districts each year.
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LéO Africa Institute

The LéO Africa Institute empowers young and emerging leaders in Africa to succeed, live high-impact and fulfilled lives. The Institute engages a new generation of young and emerging thought leaders in Africa who are passionate about creating change in their communities, businesses and living significant lives. Together with LeO Africa Institute, we implement the Young and Emerging Leaders Project (YELP), a fellowship programme for young East African leaders to network, share challenges and opportunities and develop their leadership abilities and potentials.
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Set up in 2002 as a local radio station, MegaFM has played a crucial role in the rebuilding of northern Uganda. It has provided the Luo communities access to information aimed at increasing opportunities for engagement in peace building and development. The station is one of the radio stations in the Northern Uganda with the biggest outreach. With the support of KAS, MegaFM has been recording and airing Kabake community radio programme for close to 2 decades now. Over the past view years the programme has gained popularity as being one of the best dialogue and community engagement platforms in Northern Uganda.
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National Youth Council

The National Youth Councils is a statutory body established in 1993 by an Act of Parliament as an umbrella organization of all Youth in Uganda between the ages of 18-30 years with the mission to contribute to the social economic empowerment of youth by creating a sustainable and enabling environment. The vision of the NYC is “To be the leading organization in empowerment of youths, enabling them to serve and contribute effectively in the development process”.
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Uganda Martyrs University

The Uganda Martyrs University is a faith-based institution, owned by the Catholic Episcopal Conference. Its mission includes the attainment of Social Justice, providing holistic education, and empowering the powerless. In its approach, UMU hopes to develop an integral person by providing high quality education in a conducive environment in order to produce professionals of varying academic and social competencies.
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University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG)

Inspired by the need to create channels for effective contribution of the academia to the development of Uganda, Makerere University spearheaded the establishment of the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG). UNIFOG is a not for profit organisation that aims to harness the outstanding expertise of universities and establish an effective connection of academics to development action in Uganda. UNIFOG and KAS are engaging the youth and the academia in the discourse on socio-economic development and political issues in Uganda through the Political Leadership Advancement Lab(PoLA-LAB) and other public foras and expert roundtable discussions.
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African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE)

The African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE) is an organization that influences and facilitates the development and promotion of trade and sustainable development through generating innovative and alternative policy ideas. KAS and ACTADE share the objective of enhancing and facilitating a continuous multi-stakeholder dialogue on sustainable economic policies in Uganda. We do this by organizing roundtable discussions and private sector conferences on key topics around sustainability, climate change, digitization among others.
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Action for Development (ACFODE)

Action for Development (ACFODE) is a national, non-governmental women’s interest and development organization founded in 1985. Its mission is to promote women’s empowerment, gender equality and equity through advocacy, networking and enhancing the capacities of both women and men. ACFODE’s thematic areas are good governance and democracy, women’s rights and inclusion, women’s economic empowerment and institutional development.
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Centre for Development Alternatives

The Centre for Development Alternatives (CDA) is an independent East African think-and-do-tank. CDA nurtures home-grown and locally contextualised ideas for transforming East Africa into a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable region. Their evidence-based approach seeks to identify the binding constraints to long-term economic, political and social transformation. KAS and CDA are working together on the publication of the publication series "Reality Check".
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Youth4Policy (Y4P)

Youth4Policy ist eine gemeinsame Initiative des Centre for Development Alternatives und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mit dem Ziel die kommende Generation an ugandischen Politik-Experten zu fördern und ihnen Beiträge zur öffentlichen Debatte und politischen Analyse zu ermöglichen. Youth4Policy dient als kreatives, wissenschaftliches Ideenlabor, indem junge Wissenschaftler verschiedener Fachrichtungen zu aktuellen politischen Jugend-Fragen Forschungsarbeiten veröffentlichen können.
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Media Challenge Initiative

The Media Challenge Initiative (MCI) was founded in 2016 with the vision to train the next generation of journalists and storytellers in Uganda and address these high rates of youth unemployment. The MCI educates students of journalism in practical skills and social justice-focused reporting, filling a gap in practical skills training and aiming to help recent journalism graduates gain employment. MCI and KAS work together to inspire a new generation of young and aspiring journalists in Uganda through the Inter-Institutional Media Challenge which brings together student journalists to gain learning opportunities for in-depth solutions journalism training and reporting, networking and mentorship with media professionals and career growth opportunities.subject of citizen journalists.
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Hub for Investigative Media (HIM)

Hub for Investigative Media (HIM) promotes investigative media with the sole aim of promoting good governance and accountability in the country. Though the laws that empower media to promote good governance and accountability are in place, they have not been thoroughly harnessed to create a positive impact in society, especially now that the country is facing unprecedented corruption. HIM and KAS are working together to put to practice the Access to Information (ATI) Act 2005 as a means to ensure that government ministries, agencies, authorities, commissions and other public bodies do abide by this law by providing information relating to these organizations and their operations to the public. The Access to Information Act was enacted to give effect to Article 41 of the Constitution of Uganda by providing the right to access information held by organs of the state with the aim of promoting an efficient, effective, transparent and accountable government.
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Inter-Party Youth Platform (IYOP)

The interparty youth platform is a cooperation framework that brings together youth leagues of eight political parties including Conservative Party (CP), Democratic Party (DP), Forum for Democratic Change, Justice Forum (JEEMA), People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Uganda Federal Alliance (UFA) and Uganda People’s Congress (UPC). Since its inception in 2011, the platform has chapioned several intiatives to improve youth participation in political proceesses. For instance, in 2015 filled a petition before the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee in which they submitted thier views and proposals on electoral reforms. The youth appealed to the committee not to discriminate against youth who would like to compete in the parliamentary elections by increasing nomination fees. At the height of the 2016 general elections in Uganda, IYOP and KAS again partnered to run a peaceful election campaign by organizing public dialogues, social media engagements and writing a youth communique which was presented to the Electoral Commission of Uganda and widely dissiminated on several news outlets. Today, our work with IYOP continues to provide a unique platform for imploring youth in Uganda to join party politics and be constructive participants in political processes.
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Media Focus on Africa (MFA)

Media Focus on Africa is a NGO which was founded in 2006. In close collaboration with CSO/CBO organiizatuions and the media, MFA implemented some gournd-breaking multi-media campaigns on leadership and good governance; free and fair elections and peace building among others. Their campaigns use different media platforms and different formats. The media programs are complimented with trainings and activities at the national and local level to make active participants of our audiences. They are aiming to increase the accountability of the government by conveying information and connecting people. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is glad to welcome MFA as a new partner in 2019 and looks forward to all joint activities.
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Directorate of National Guidance (DNG)

The DNG is one of government’s directorates charged with the mandate to promote constitutionalism, civic education and national values. The relationship between KAS and DNG was first established in 2000 with the aim of strengthening elected leaders and promoting the key values and principles of democracy, especially at local level. Since 2016, the cooperation with DNG was intensified with a focus to bridge the relationship between appointed and elected leaders at the district level. This was motivated by the fact that multipartyism is still young and there is still little appreciation of divergent views and opinions. Together with KAS, DNG has worked with over 500 appointed and elected leaders in over 15 districts since the beginning of 2016. DNG has also since 2016 transferred from the Prime Minister’s Office to the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology and National Guidance (MoICT&NG). In 2017, DNG, GAIN Uganda and KAS partnered to promote civic education in Uganda with a focus on the grassroots and district level across the country.
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Network of South Sudan CSOs in Uganda (NoSSCOU)

The Network of South Sudanese Civil Society Organizations in Uganda is a Network of more than 58 South Sudanese Civil Society Organizations working in Uganda. KAS and various member organizations of NoSSCOU are implementing different events such as panel discussions, public dialogues and trainings to promote the concept of Transnational Justice and a national identity. Another challenge is to spread the idea and content of the existing peace agreement among the people of South Sudan. The events take place in Kampala, in Juba (South Sudan) or in refugee camps in Uganda, where most refugees come from South Sudan.
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