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Uganda Media Review - Issue II

Media and Corruption

With support from KAS the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF) published the second issue of the "Uganda Media Review". This year the journal focusses particularly on the topic "Media and Corruption". It features expert articles on a number of related topics and general media concerns as well as project briefs about the different UMDF-activities.

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It’s not an understatement to say that in Uganda today,

corruption is taking on the centre of debate in the media. As

a critical strategy in a country’s anti-corruption crusade, an

effective media is timely in charting the path to follow in curbing

corruption. The media’s role is to raise public awareness about

corruption, its causes, effects and possible remedies including

investigating and reporting incidents of corruption. It’s also

extremely important for the media to educate people about their

rights. Informing citizens of the types of corruption within their

social, political and economic systems to be able to fight it more

effectively and develop their own strategies is the role of the


Engaging the public in the fight against corruption is justified in

forcing those in authority to act and giving the people further

courage to speak out and stand up for transparency and

accountability. Empowering the media is a dynamic strategy in

holding leaders accountable and involving more people in the

anti-corruption campaign. To restore good governance and

trust, there is need for all stakeholders to be definite in their


Fostering democracy and the rule of law, furthermore promoting

human rights has been a revolutionary element of the Konrad-

Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Uganda for more than three

decades. Being a leader in this approach, KAS supports a

number of organizations in Uganda, whose drive is to create

an independent, professional and openly democratic media.

For this cause, KAS has supported such long-term partners like

the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF). Since its

inception 17 years ago, UMDF has been partnering with KAS in

implementing media training programmes designed to create a

journalistic workforce that is well- educated, independent and

equipped to promote good governance and bring an end to the

“culture” of secrecy.

In 2011, the hub of activities implemented by UMDF with support

from KAS was another critical concern, “Bracing journalists to

fight corruption”. So as to raise awareness, stimulate interest,

and encourage research into corruption and media development

issues, the second issue of the Uganda Media Review is

published on Media and Corruption.

The Uganda Media Review has become the leading publication

to compliment universities, governments, corporations, think

tanks, civil societies and the media globally.

Uganda Media Development Foundation expresses its sincere

gratitude to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for its long time

commitment and support. Special thanks to the revolutionary

authors of the articles in this journal, for providing an analysis

of the character of corruption and legislation to fight corruption.

The staff of UMDF is also hereby thanked for their commitment.

Gertrude Benderana

Project Manager

Uganda Media Development Foundation

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