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Razumkov Centre

Single title

Ukraine's European Integration: The Russian Factor

Analytical Paper

Outcomes of the study “Ukraine’s European Integration: The Russian Factor” – produced by the Razumkov Centre with the support of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Ukraine, published in issue № 1-2 (2020) of the journal “National Security and Defence”

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The project encompasses an analytical study, contributions by various expert authors, nationwide studies and roundtables of foreign and domestic specialists.

It outlines the steps as well as trends in Ukraine’s European integration while evaluating internal and external influence factors. Furthermore, the dynamics of economics and energy in the triangle Ukraine-EU-Russia are analysed. In this context, Russia’s influence – in particular aims, tactics as well as the means and technologies the Kremlin employs to block Ukraine’s EU aspirations – is a core research object of the study.


Mychailo Pashkov (head of project), Co-Director for Programmes in Foreign Policy and International Security, Razumkov Centre;

Mychailo Honchar, President of the Centre for Global Studies “Strategy 21”;

Volodymyr Sidenko, Scientific Adviser on economic questions, Razumkov Centre;

Ihor Stukalenko, Head of Energy Programmes, Centre for Global Studies “Strategy 21”;

Lyudmila Shanhina, Scientific Adviser on social and humanitarian questions, Razumkov Centre

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Tim B. Peters

Tim B

Referent Medien und Demokratie +49 30 26996-3626 +49 30 26996-3626

Kateryna Bilotserkovets

Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443


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