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Centre for Applied Research, KAS Ukraine

Single title

Consequences of the Сovid-19 epidemic and quarantine measures for leading sectors of the Ukrainian economy

Study based on the results of in-depth interviews with owners and top managers of Ukrainian companies

It is impossible to overcome the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine restrictions for the Ukrainian economy without taking into account the vision and needs of the beneficiaries themselves — business representatives. To this end, the Center for Applied Research, in cooperation with Ekonomichna Pravda, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine, conducted a comprehensive study of key sectors of the economy that have faced difficulties in their work in 2020.

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The main purpose of the study was to obtain information from the owners and top management of Ukrainian companies: how the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions have affected revenue, number of contracts and customers, volume of services provided, etc.; what measures have been taken to reduce the impact of the crisis on business; how the transformation of operating activities has taken place; what risks are expected due to the re-introduction of a lockdown in Ukraine.

This publication is the result of a survey of owners and top management of companies in key sectors of the Ukrainian economy, as well as representatives of central and local authorities and health care. The research was conducted using qualitative methods of sociology: by holding in-depth interviews

Overall, during the period from August to October 2020, 63 in-depth interviews were conducted according to the prepared scenarios (guided interview) for each individual sector of the Ukrainian economy. The obtained data can be considered as cases on the situation in each individual industry, however the information can provide an opportunity to assess the overall impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and quarantine restrictions for Ukrainian business in 2020.

In each section, in addition to describing the impact of the restrictive measures taken to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, forecasts and recommendations are proposed to mitigate the consequences of the сoronavirus for the economy of Ukraine that should be taken into account by the representatives of the central executive bodies.

This study can be useful for representatives of central executive bodies in shaping public policy to overcome the effects of the coronavirus epidemic in the economic sphere, as well as for scientists, journalists, public figures and representatives of international organizations.

The study was prepared by the Centre for Applied Research in cooperation with Ekonomichna Pravda with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Office Ukraine (Kyiv).

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Tim B. Peters

Tim B

Referent Medien und Demokratie +49 30 26996-3626 +49 30 26996-3626

Kateryna Bilotserkovets

Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443


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