“The Ukrainian Frontier: Challenges for Slobozhanshchyna” project is an initiative of the Centre for International Security, implemented in July-August 2021 with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine in partnership with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine.
The aim of the project is to identify current threats and challenges in the eastern border regions of Ukraine; development of recommendations for reducing certain destructive impacts and improving the quality of good governance at the level of districts (communities), local and central government. During June-July 2021, NGO representatives studied the problems that concern the population of Sumy (Shostka, Konotop, Okhtyrka) and Kharkiv (Vovchansk, Kupyansk, Izyum) regions.
As a result, problem mapping for each studied region and their respective districts was performed.
The data was organized by the following categories:
- Regional problems;
- External influence;
- Local problems.