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Institute for Political Education

The Institute for Political Education is a Ukrainian non-governmental organisation whose main purpose is to improve the professionalism of young mandate holders in the regions of Ukraine. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung acted as a co-founder of the institute whose organisation goes back to the seminar activities of the Christian Democratic youth movement. In 2008 KAS and Institute for Political Education successfully carried out a series of professional trainings for local parliamentarians in Eastern Ukraine as well as several seminars on coming to terms with the totalitarian past. In 2009 KAS and Institute for Political Education will continue their common work with young mandate holders. A winter school on ethics and responsibility for young politicians as well as publications and seminars on coming to terms with the past are to be realised. KAS and Institute for Political Education are publishing a successful series of handbooks for the practical work of local deputies.
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Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation

The Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation (IEAC) is one of the leading Ukrainian organisations aiming to promote and to develop a strategy for Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO. Since its formation in 2001 the institute and KAS have become close partners. In 2009 the cooperation between KAS and IEAC will mainly consist in providing information on the actual status of Ukraine’s approach towards the EU in the regions of Ukraine and in elaborating Ukraine’s role in the initiatives of the Black Sea Synergy and Eastern Partnership. In addition, Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation is partner of the “KAS Expert Team Ukraine for Europe”.
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Razumkov Centre

The Razumkov Centre is one of Ukraine's most distinguished NGOs. In its work the think tank is covering domestic, foreign, security, social and economic policy. Apart from that, its regular sociological surveys on societal developments are widely read and highly regarded.
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Ukrainian Institute for International Politics

The Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (UIIP) is an independent non-governmental organization. It works on the European Association process, international relations and decentralization. With the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, UIIP organizes the "Eastern Partnership Leaders for Change" seminars to contribute to the political modernization of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries by training and empowering a new generation of reform-oriented political and civic leaders from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The seminars discuss topics ranging from the European Association process to civic engagement, provide the participants with expertise on the EaP and offer an interactive negotiation skills training.
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Academy of Ukrainian Press

Since 2001 the Academy of Ukrainian Press (AUP) offers training opportunities and further education to Ukrainian journalists, editors, publishers and press spokesmen. Its aim is to promote independent media in Ukraine and to achieve Western standards of its quality. Since the very beginning AUP and KAS have been analysing and monitoring the level of freedom of media in Ukraine. In 2007 and 2008 the cooperation focused on media management and stimulation of investigative journalism as an instrument to fight corruption. In 2009 KAS and AUP are going to carry out advanced training courses in order to professionalize the coverage of the European political themes and to improve the quality of the journalistic work.
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Europäisches Jugendparlament Ukraine

Die Internationale Jugend-NGO "Europäisches Jugendparlament Ukraine" (EYP Ukraine) ist eines der 37 nationalen EYP-Komitees. Die Organisation ist ein vollberechtigter Teilnehmer der Entwicklung der Zivilgesellschaft in der Ukraine. EYP Ukraine funktioniert erfolgreich in der Ukraine seit 2000, indem die ukrainische Jugend in die Tätigkeit einer der größten europäischen Plattformen für Debatten, interkulturelle Treffen, Bildung und Ideenaustausch zwischen Nachwuchspolitikern involviert werden. Die KAS fördert jährliche Auswahlkonferenzen von EYP Ukraine, wo Vertreter gewählt werden, die die Ukraine auf internationalen und regionalen EYP-Tagungen repräsentieren. Darüber hinaus werden einige regionale Tagungen und andere Jugendprojekte in verschiedenen Städten der Ukraine unterstützt.
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The Committee of voters of Ukraine

The Committee of voters of Ukraine is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1994. It mainly aims to protect the rights of the Ukrainian voters, to inform the voters, to motivate the younger generation to participate in the elections, to carry out forums with election candidates as well as to organize an extensive election monitoring. With the parliamentary election in 2002 the Committee of voters brought into action 24,000 observers. Chairman is the dipl. educationalist Igor Popov.
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Die Schlüsselbereiche der Tätigkeit des Ukrainischen Netzwerkes für Energieinnovationen "Greencubator" sind Bildung, Unternehmertum, soziale Innovationen und Medieninitiativen für nachhaltige Energie. Die Zusammenarbeit dauert seit 2014 an und wird in verschiedenen Formaten gestaltet: von Seminaren und Konferenzen zu solchen Themen wie Energiedezentralisierung, Energieeffizienz und Innovationen im Energiebereich über Hackathons bis zu Medienprojekten. So wurde z.B. 2016 der Dokumentarfilm "Tschornobyl: hier gibt es Leben" gedreht.
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Centre for Global Studies "Strategy 21"

The Centre for Global Studies "Strategy 21" ist a Ukrainian NGO that focuses on analysing global security issues particularly regarding energy relations in the Central Asian, Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic Regions as well as the European Union. The Centre is providing decision makers in and outside government with analyses and policy recommendations.
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Ukrainian Centre for European Policy

The European Centre for European Policy is an independent think tank focussed on reforming Ukraine's political and economic systems in line with European values of democratic development, the implementation of the Association Agreement and the free trade regime in order to boost economic growth and prosperity.
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