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Internship at one of the foreign offices of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ukraine

Internships are possible at the Kyiv or Kharkiv office

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We are pleased that you are interested in an internship at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Ukraine. The internship with us will give you an insight into the international cooperation of KAS and our commitment in the field of political education, consulting and training in Ukraine.



Please Note:

In the context of current measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) internship opportunities in both country offices are severely limited.

Should you still be interested in an internship, please contact the respective office with a query regarding a possible time period and the prospective development of the situation on the ground.




Your profile:


  • You are a student of politics, social sciences, economics, law, media or communication sciences or related subjects - preferably after completing your undergraduate studies - and would like to get to know the work of a political foundation abroad.
  • You speak German as your native language and have basic knowledge of Russian (ideally Ukrainian) and good English language skills.
  • You are interested in political issues.
  • You are creative and ready for team-work.



We offer:


  • Insights into the activities of the foreign office Ukraine of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung;
  • Opportunity to participate in the organization of events and seminars in Ukraine;
  • Possibility to cooperate in the research and preparation of short political reports or policy papers;
  • Opportunity to support the public relations work of KAS office in Ukraine, f.e. update the website and facebook page;
  • Introduction to processes of project management and project control;
  • Insights into the political situation in Ukraine;
  • a workplace in one of our two offices in Kyiv or Kharkiv;
  • an internship certificate


During the internship you will be tutored by an employee of our office. The weekly time of work is usually 40 hours. The duration of the internship should ideally be two months. If necessary, we support the crediting of the internship as a compulsory internship for your studies.


Unfortunately the internship is unpayed. We recommend you to find out about alternative financing options at an early stage, for example at your university, the DAAD or other scholarship providers. You are also responsible for the travel, accommodation and meals, but we surely can offer you our assistance in finding accommodation.



Internships are possible either at the Kyiv office or at the Kharkiv office:


If you are interested in an internship in our office in Kyiv, please send your application including a letter of motivation , curriculum vitae, and the university certificates (please summarize in one PDF document) to Please also state your preferred time period.


If you are interested in an internship in our office in Kharkiv, please send your application including a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, and the university certificates (please summarized in one PDF document) to stating as well your preferred time period.

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