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The Russia-Ukraine Conflict in the Context of Geopolitical Changes

Українсько-російсько-німецький тріалог

The publication “The Russia-Ukraine Conflict in the Context of Geopolitical Changes” was prepared by Razumkov Centre with the support of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Ukraine Office .

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In 2015 the Foundation initiated through its offices in Kyiv and Moscow a Russian-Ukrainian-German trialogue, which was dedicated to the problems of Russia-Ukraine conflict. Regular expert meetings, twice a year, enable exchange of opinion at the level of individual experts and public opinion leaders. And this happens at the same moment, when the contacts between Kyiv and Moscow are frozen not just at the political and diplomatic level, but also at the level of expert groups and institutions of civil society.

On the one hand, this publication became a precondition of the trilateral expert discussion “Eastern Ukraine – a forgotten war? Prospects of the Minsk Agreements and the Normandy format” that took place in Berlin on the 27th of February 2017. On the other hand, it is quite a comprehensive overview of the current positions, opinions and predictions of Ukrainian, Russian and German experts with regard to Russian-Ukrainian conflict and to the mechanisms of its resolution.

This compilation consists of a number of brief subject interviews on two key topics: the nature of geopolitical transformations during the last half a century, and their influence on Russian-Ukrainian conflict and its possible resolution. Apart from that, the publication contains the results of social researches conducted by Razumkov Centre.

We suggest that you take a look at this publication. It is available in Russian and English.

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Kateryna Bilotserkovets

Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443


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