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Seminar series „Remember for the future“

We invite applicants from all over Ukraine

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Seminar series “Remember for the future” are organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in a successful cooperation with the Political Education Institute since 2007. It is a series of the workshops that during the year take place in different Ukrainian cities and where the participants deal with the Ukrainian history and ways of overcoming the past. Seminars aim at history and political science students as well as at young sociologists, teachers and layers.

For participation at the seminars, foreign experts are regularly invited, who with their speeches make the participants acquainted with the interesting facts. For instance, such issues as the strategy of dealing with the national past in other Central-Eastern countries and the efficiency of such strategies are raised. Nevertheless, in the centre of attention are Germany and its approach to overcoming the Nazi as well as the GDR past.

The aim of these seminars is to show to the young Ukrainian the way of the critical rethinking of the national history. West- and East-European countries´ experience could serve as an important guidance. Simultaneously, in the framework of this course is should become clear that each country has its own peculiarities regarding the formation of its memory culture.

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Iuliia Eichhofer

Учасники семінару в м. Кіровоград, 2016 рік ФКА

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