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European Green Deal for local communities in Ukraine - Perspectives and benefits

Online Discussion

8 грудня 2021, 11:00-12:30 (за київським часом) Київський Діалог та Представництво ФКА в Україні проведуть дискусію "Європейський Зелений Курс для місцевих громад в Україні - перспективи та можливості" в межах комунікаційної кампанії "Відкриваємо зелений потенціал разом" Представництва ЄС в Україні.

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European Green Deal for local communities in Ukraine: perspectives and benefits

YouTube, Kyiv Dialogue

On behalf of the Kyiv Dialogue and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation we invite you to the information session "European Green Course for Local Communities in Ukraine. Perspectives and benefits", which will take place within the Communication Campaign "Unlocking our green potential together" with the support of the EU office in Ukraine.

The European Green Deal is a large-scale program of EU strategic decisions and actions aimed at achieving sustainable and efficient development at all levels of the economy and society as well as transforming Europe into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.






11.00 Opening remarks

European Green Deal for local communities in Ukraine - Perspectives and benefits. 8th of December, 2021 Kyiv Dialogue

Rebecca Harms, MEP (2004–2019), The Greens/ EFA, Wendland/ Lower Saxony

11.05 Keynote "European Green Deal: Chance for a green transformation for Ukrainian cities"

Nataliya Andrusevych, Сhairperson of the Board of Directors, Resource & Analysis Center "Society and Environment", Lviv

10.20 Panel discussion


Chloe Allio, Head of Operations Section - Economic Cooperation, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment, Delegation of the EU to Ukraine, Kyiv

Yuriy Fomichev, Mayor of Slavutych

Andrii Zinchenko, Co-founder,  NGO Greencubator, Kyiv, Head of "Solar Town" energy cooperative, Slavutych

Moderation: Natalia Gumeniuk, Co-founder and Director, Public Interest Journalism Laboratory, Kyiv

12.15 Q & A

12.30 End of the event

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  • Rebecca Harms
    • Nataliya Andrusevych
      • Chloe Allio
        • Yuriy Fomichev
          • Andrii Zinchenko
            • Natalia Gumeniuk (moderation)


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