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IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Shock, not Excitement: Bidens Debate with Trump

U.S. press comments after the first televised debate of the presidential election campaign

Unusually early in the presidential election campaign, candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump met for their first televised debate. Biden's team hoped the event would give his campaign a boost - but the opposite was the case. The debate was organized by CNN and will be followed by another debate in September, hosted by ABC News. What happened in the first debate has significantly increased the arc of suspense until September.

Impact of AI on Local News Models

Will AI Unlock Growth or be an Existential Threat?

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This new report by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA and Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future. How are local media already using artificial intelligence in the newsroom and on the business side?


Biden and Trump: Unpopular and Unavoidable

The Trend of the U.S. Primaries Continues on “Super Tuesday”

The “Super Tuesday” of the U.S. primary elections is over: Party members and supporters in 16 states and one territory decided on their parties’ candidates for the presidential election. President Joe Biden and Donald Trump still have a good chance of becoming their parties’ candidates. But both have to deal with criticism from within the party - and poor poll ratings.


No surprises?

US election campaign heading for another Biden-Trump duel

The first primaries have taken place, in which Democrats and Republicans determine their presidential candidates. So far there has been little surprise: Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump are heading for the presidential nomination of their respective parties.


How important is Iowa?

On the Outcome of the First Primaries for the U.S. Presidential Election.

Donald Trump wins the Republican primaries in Iowa by a large margin. This consolidates his role as the favorite for the presidential nomination. However, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley remain in the race.


Ukraine and Israel: International Crises in the Election Campaign of a War-Weary USA

An Analysis One Year Ahead of the Election in November 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden calls it an "inflection point in history": The wars between Russia and Ukraine and between Hamas and Israel challenge American foreign policy - at a time when many Americans prefer to focus on their own country. This tension is shaping the upcoming election campaign.

Threat Perception and Deterrence after the Ukraine War

We asked the National Security Policy Center at the University of Virginia to take a closer look at threat perception and deterrence following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They observe: "Given the complexity of the current strategic environment – and the West’s lethargic response to it – there is a need to refine our approach to risk in the context of deterrence."


McCarthy voted out - what next?

U.S. press comments on the historic recall of the Speaker of the House of Representatives

For the first time in U.S. history, a Speaker of the House of Representatives was voted out of office: Kevin McCarthy lost the post, eight members of his Republican caucus and all 208 Democrats present voted against him.

One Year Inflation Reduction Act

Initial Outcomes and Impacts for US-EU Trade and Investment

Max Gruenig is a Senior Policy Advisor at the E3G Washington Office. We asked him to gather initial evidence of impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on cleantech trade and investment. One of his conclusions: “Overall, the IRA is expected to only have a marginal impact on the transatlantic economy, while contributing to the decarbonization in the US and, by extension, the global transition to net zero.”

A New “Consensus“ in U.S.-China Policy

Karin Johnston is a lecturer at the School of International Service at American University and the University of Maryland, College Park. We asked her to analyze how the United States is approaching China in 2023 across the different branches of government and party lines. She observes: “Attitudes have hardened against China, forming around them a different consensus – that China must be countered at all costs, and at all levels of engagement – economically, technically, militarily, and diplomatically.”