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National Assembly of Vietnam

The National Assembly is becoming an important democratic institution in the political system of Vietnam. Before the Vietnamese Assembly had been just an organ to confirm the parties resolutions. The lack of knowledge among the deputies and the extensive power of the CPV prevented for a long time the work of a parliament. However, the political weight of the National Assembly has been strengthened in the course of constitutional reform in 1980, 1992 and 2002. At the same time the functions of the National Assembly had been continuously extended and specified.
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Vietnamese Communist Party Central Committee's Economic Commission

The Central Economic Commission is the advisory and supporting agency of the Vietnamese Communist Party's Central Committee, especially the Politburo and the Secretariat in planning major socio-economic policies as well as improving economic institution
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Ministry of Justice of Vietnam

The Ministry of Justice, responsible for the justice reform, prepares modifications of the legal system, modernizes law and prepares the grounds for investment. Currently in commercial law, as well as in civil law, important modifications are carried out and new law is elaborated. The cooperation with the Ministry of Justice therefore has high priority in the work of the KAS office in Hanoi.
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Vietnam Academy for Social Sciences (VASS)

The Vietnam Academy for Social Sciences (VASS) is one of the leading governmental research institutes in Vietnam. In the context of Vietnam's Doi Moi process the VASS offers important academic/analytical expertise to the Vietnamese executive and legislative branches. The VASS and KAS have worked together in numerous fields, among them supporting the economic and judicial reform policies in Vietnam. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the KAS and the VASS in October 2010 by the Chairman of the KAS, Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, and by Prof. Dr. Vo Khanh Vinh, Vice-President of the VASS, marked and ensured the continuation of the cooperation.
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Institute for State and Law (ISL)

The ISL has been part of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences since 2004 and has served as a center for research and graduate training in the field of law. The Institute is concerned with all major fields of the law, as well as its history and philosophy. The ISL had worked with KAS for several years before becoming a permanent implementing partner organization in 2001. The focus of co-operation lies in the establishment of the rule of law in Vietnam and the implementation of legal reforms.
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Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV)

DAV is an institution of international relations, a leading institution for research and advice on foreign policy and an institution for training foreign affairs officials from central to local levels. DAV serves as “think tank” in foreign policy for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Party and the State. KAS has been cooperating with DAV since 2012. Together we implement a variety of activities including international conferences, seminars, talk series, and course buildings concentrating on regional security, bilateral cooperation between EU and ASEAN.
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University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), VNU Hanoi

The USSH offers training in various fields of political, social sciences and communication arts. The USSH is a policy research and higher education center. The University provides a platform where discussions among scientists and politicians take place. Together KAS and USSH organize a wide range of events on current political and regional security issues in Vietnam.
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Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR)

VEPR is a research institute under the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University. VEPR carries out economic and policy research which helps policy-making agencies, businesses and interest groups make better decision by providing insights into the nature of the economic movement and the macro policy management in Viet Nam.
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The Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN)

The Association of Cities of Vietnam is a volunteer social organization of Vietnamese Cities. It was founded in 1992 and can be understood as representative of the regional and local level. The main objectives are to promote exchange between Vietnamese cities and international cooperation in urban management and development. It takes furthermore part in urban policy and law making and aims at improving civil servant capacity.ACVN plays an increasingly important role in carrying out the public administration reform, the decentralisation process and by increasing forms of citizens participation and the development of civil society. A strong association representing the interests of the local level is important to strengthen the municipal level
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Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

Hanoi University of Civil Engineering is a leading educational institution for training, scientific research, technology transfer and providing high quality human resources for Vietnam in the field of construction.
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Institute for European Studies

The Institute for European Studies (IES) is a leading research institution in the field of European studies in Vietnam, under the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. The KAS Vietnam and IES has established cooperation since 2021. The main fields of our joint projects are innovation system and sustainable development.
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