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Federal Elections (Bundestag)

Asset Publisher

Federal Election 2025 - Election analysis

Detailed results of the Bundestag election, key determinants of the election outcome, voter migration, and social structure of the electorate.
Viola Neu, Sabine Pokorny,  online publication, 24th February 2025


Federal Election 2021 - Election analysis

Detailed results of the Bundestag election 2021, key determinants of the election outcome, voter migration, and social structure of the electorate.
Viola Neu, Sabine Pokorny,  online publication, 27th September 2021



Federal Election 2017 - Wahlanalyse

Detailed results of the Bundestag election 2017, key determinants of the election outcome, voter migration, and social structure of the electorate.
Viola Neu, Sabine Pokorny, Thomas Köhler, online publication, 26th September 2017




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Dr. Viola Neu


Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting,
Head of Department Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3506

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