Asset Publisher

Embassy of Israel in Côte d'Ivoire

Ambassade d'Israel
The Israeli Embassy in Abidjan is the representative of the Israeli state in Côte d'Ivoire. The KAS works closely with the embassy to strengthen interreligious dialog in Côte d’Ivoire.
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Institut des Artisans de la Justice et de la Paix (IAJP)

The Institut des Artisans de la Justice et de la Paix (IAJP) is a Catholic organization that has existed in Benin for almost 25 years and is committed to promoting social justice, equality and the rule of law. To this end, the IAJP organizes activities to strengthen the capacities of young people, students, political and civil society actors. It also organizes conferences and debates on various topics such as human rights and democracy.
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Centre de Reflexion Strategique d’Abidjan (CRS)

14 CRS (2)
The Centre de Reflexion Strategique d'Abidjan (CRS) is an Ivorian research and consulting institution. Its main areas of interest are training, research and consultancy on economic and security-related topics.
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Initiative pour la prospective économique et le développement durable (IPED)

The Initiative pour la Prospection Economique et le Développement Durable (IPED) is a social movement that has set itself the goal of strengthening social peace and social unity in Guinea through activities such as political education.
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Stat View

Stat View International (SVI) is a Guinean non-governmental organization that was founded in 1992 and conducts qualitative and quantitative research on current developments. SVI is also a member of the pan-African Afro-Barometer network.
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West African Think Tank (WATHI)

17 WATHI (1)
The West African Think Tank (WATHI), based in Dakar, was founded in 2014. WATHI researches and publishes on pan-African developments and current challenges in West Africa.
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Ministère de L'Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et de la Chefferie Coutumière

18 Ministere de l'Administration Territoriale au Togo
Le Ministère de L'Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et de la Chefferie Coutumière est un ministère technique, organe du gouvernement togolais, en charge de la mise en œuvre des politiques gouvernementales du Togo en matière de gestion territoriale, de collectivités territoriales, d’état civil, etc. Le ministère est également le ministère de tutelle des OSC et organisations religieuses au Togo.
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Chatham House

3 Chatham House (2)
Chatham House is a leading British think tank that engages with current issues and analyses of political events on an international level through study programs, conferences, and seminars.
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Centre d'Analyse des Politiques Économiques et Sociales (CAPES)

2 CAPES (2)
Le Centre d'Analyse des Politiques Économiques et Sociales (CAPES) est un institut de recherche fondé en 2000 et rattaché à la Présidence du Burkina Faso. Il se consacre principalement à l'innovation et à la recherche prospective dans les domaines de la politique économique et du développement.
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Centre Autonome d'Études et de Renforcement des Capacités pour le Développement au Togo (CADERDT)

The Centre Autonome d'Études et de Renforcement des Capacités pour le Développement au Togo (CADERDT) was established at the initiative of the Togolese government with the support of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). The center conducts research on economic and development policy issues and strengthens public interest in these areas through its dialogue programs.
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Centre de Formation pour l'Administration Locale (CEFAL)

The Centre de Formation pour l'Administration Locale (CEFAL) is a national public educational institution specializing in the training and further education of specialists in local administration. This includes the professional qualification, retraining and further training of employees of decentralized local authorities, local administrations and state services. In addition, CEFAL also supports local politicians and other stakeholders who strengthen and promote the tasks of local administration.
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Siyabonga Gold

19 Siyabonga Gold
Siyabonga Gold is a consultancy specializing in communication, media development and education services. The company is strongly committed to strengthening and promoting the capacities of political parties (especially youth and women). Siyabonga Gold relies on tools for operational support, coaching, training, strategy and monitoring that are designed to provide concrete solutions to the challenges and needs of political parties, youth, women, businesses, public structures and international institutions.
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Chaire UNESCO, Université d’Abomey-Calavi

7 Chaire UNESCO seul
For over 20 years, KAS has been working in partnership with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Democracy at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) in Benin. This Chair is recognized throughout Africa for its expertise in human rights and is dedicated to the academic and continuing education of highly qualified professionals, offering high-quality masters and post-doctorate programs.
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Unity Party (UP)

9 UP (1)
The Unity Party (UP) in Liberia is a political party that is committed to democracy, national unity and socio-economic development and is part of the Democratic Union of Africa (DUA) party network. Founded in 1984, the party aims to promote stability and prosperity for all Liberians. It was led by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who was elected Liberia's first female president in 2005 and became the first woman to hold the office of head of state on the African continent
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Centre Ivoirien de Recherche Economique et Sociale

4 CIRES (2)
The Centre Ivoirien de Recherche Economique et Sociale (CIRES) is an Ivorian research center that conducts research on economic and social issues in Côte d'Ivoire and the countries of the subregion.
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Social Watch

6 Social Watch Benin (2)
Social Watch Bénin was founded in 2005 and serves as the national focal point of Social Watch. The network consists of various NGOs and associations aimed at strengthening civic oversight over public decisions. It advocates for transparency and accountability while promoting citizens' awareness of their rights and responsibilities. This is done at both the national level and in various communities to enhance awareness and active participation of citizens in the democratic society.
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Center for Research and Opinion Polls (CROP)

The Center for Research and Opinion Polls (CROP) is an independent research center with a non-partisan network of social science researchers in Togo, France, Canada, and the USA. CROP, headquartered in Lomé, is led by Dr. Moussa Blimpo.
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Parti Démocratique de Côte d'Ivoire - Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (PDCI-RDA)

The Parti démocratique de Côte d'Ivoire-Rassemblement démocratique africain (PDCI-RDA) is a political party in Côte d'Ivoire that was founded in 1946 and belongs to the center-right spectrum. It is member of the party network “Democrat Union of Africa” (DUA).
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Regroupement des Acteurs Ivoiriens des Droits de l'Homme (RAIDH)

Le Regroupement des Acteurs ivoiriens des droits de l'homme (RAIDH) a pour objectif de promouvoir les droits de l'homme et la gouvernance démocratique à travers le renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des acteurs de la société et un partenariat avec les acteurs gouvernementaux. Elle contribue à l'éducation et au contrôle des citoyens sur l'action publique à travers des publications, le renforcement des capacités des acteurs clés, la sensibilisation, la promotion du genre et de l'égalité d'accès aux ressources publiques par une répartition équitable des richesses publiques.
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Centre de Recherche Politique d'Abidjan (CRPA)

The Centre de Recherche Politique d'Abidjan (CRPA) is an Ivorian research institute that has set itself the task of strengthening democratic values in Côte d'Ivoire. It offers political analysis, policy advice and political education.
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