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European and international Christian-democratic organisations

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This record group of the Archive for Christian-Democratic Policy (ACDP) contains documents of the most important Christian democratic organisations on party and parliamentary levels in Europe.

These are the files:

and files about the European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC), record group 09-005, about the European Parliament Election 1979, record group 09-008, the German section of the Union of European Federalists, record group 09-011, and the European Federation for small and medium-sized enterprises (Europäischen Mittelstandsunion, EMSU), Bestand 09-013.


The international cooperation of Christian democrats is documented in the record groups of

  • the Centrist Democrat International (CDI), record group 09-006,
  • the Union Mondiale des Démocrates Chrétiens (UMDC), record group 09-009.
Furthermore personal papers of distinguished European politicians are stored in the ACDP, e.g. Elmar Brok, Hans Furler, Hans von der Groeben, Walter Hallstein, Egon A. Klepsch, Carl Otto Lenz, Karl-Heinz Narjes or Hans-Gert Pöttering


More material on European matters can be found in the record group of the CDU (07-001), especially in the online finding aids concerning means of advertisement, the documents of the CDU’s federal committees and the Office of Foreign Relation. The record group of the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag contains documents of the European office (08-010) and the Working Group European Union (08-100).

The database offers documents and information about Christian democracy on a European level.

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Daniel Schaper

Portrait von Daniel Schaper

Desk Officer Document Archive +49 2241-246-2721
Single title
November 15, 2004
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