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Youth Advisory Board

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The Youth Advisory Board of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Development and Background

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The Youth Advisory Board at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung was established in October 2013. It functions as an advisory body to the foundation and advises management along with the main departments. With its young perspective, the Advisory Board sheds light on the foundation’s work and is a strong voice for the concerns, wishes and worries of our young generation. From this, in its work it develops ideas and methods to supplement the range of services that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides to youth and young adults and to make it more attractive. The main priority of the Advisory Board is to represent the interests of young people and to put them in contact with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Function, Theme and Objective

Which political and social issues inspire young people to act nowadays? It is against this background that members of the Advisory Council hold discussions with one another and with relevant stakeholders. Besides exchanging ideas about current developments within the foundation and in society, the Advisory Council addresses issues such as climate change, mental health, intergenerational justice and digitalisation. In addition to theoretical work, the Youth Advisory Board also plans and implements its own projects.



The Youth Advisory Board consists of young volunteers aged between 16 and 26 from all over Germany. They represent the core values of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and want to help shape the foundation’s work in cooperation with other young people. The Advisory Board members meet twice a year in Berlin and regularly online.

Members of the Youth Advisory Council at a Glance

Meeting of members of the Youth Advisory Council with the Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Professor Norbert Lammert


Leander Apel
Student of International Relations (Kleve)

Philip Bleckmann
Public Engagement Specialist at the U.S. Consulate General (Düsseldorf)

Eileen Egbert
Philosophy and Political Science Student (Bochum)

Fabiola Ermer
Jewish Studies and Semitics student (Heidelberg)

Lukas Eyermann (Speaker)
Master Student of Politics and Administration (Konstanz)

Tessa Hurth
Political and Administrative Science Student (Konstanz)

Jannis Kaliske
Diploma student of Industrial Engineering (Dresden)

Lea Linnhoff
Political Sciences and Law student (Münster)

Lukas Nantke
Senior Customs Secretary (Stralsund)

Lili Pöschl (Speaker)
Law Student (Köln)

Clara Schaumann
Medical Management Student (Gießen)

Luisa Tiesies
Law student (Halle)

Felix Töpfer
Economics and Political Science Student (Göttingen)

Lena Wiegand
Clerk for Office Management (Berlin)

Marcel Winzen
Law Student (Düsseldorf)


Version: May 2024

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Simone Gerhards

Simone Gerhards Passfoto

Head of Regional Office Rhineland, Political Education Forum NRW +49 211 8368056-0 +49 211 8368056-9

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