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Impacts of Existing Policies on Low Emissions Development on Energy Sector in Malawi

The Initiative for Climate Action and Development (ICAD)

The 2021 update to Malawi's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) outlines priority climate actions until 2040, including strategies like the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) and the National Climate Change Management Policy (NCCMP). Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, Malawi's Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS III) emphasizes energy's critical role in economic development. Achieving these goals requires a dedicated Low Emissions Development Strategy, better coordination, capacity building, and enhanced financing, targeting 85% emissions reduction by 2040 for a sustainable and resilient future.

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La serie informa de forma concentrada sobre las posiciones importantes de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer en temas de actualidad. Los números individuales presentan las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones, ofrecen breves análisis, explican los planes futuros de la Fundación y nombran a las personas de contacto de la KAS.

Dra. Kristin Wesemann


Jefe de Estrategia y Planificación +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

Referentin Publikationen +49 30 26996-3726